Alex scowled. "Easy for you to say. You share most of your classes with your girlfriend. And you're both in the writing club."

Conner raised his hands in surrender. "You eat lunch with Arthur alone every single day, and I know you guys jog sometimes, plus you spend every second of free time at school either with him or looking for him. Listen, I guess technically it's not any of my business but you're my sister. I know you. You weren't even like this before with... with the R word. You've changed."

Well, wasn't Conner just full of surprises today? First he made breakfast, and now he was the one lecturing her for once. Alex stopped chewing to fix Conner with a stare. "Changed how?"

Conner shifted and pushed his bacon around his plate. "I guess... you've kinda become a romantic? Not like it's a bad thing. I know you love Arthur and he clearly is into you as well. You guys are totally nauseating together. But I honestly think it'll be healthier if you stop obsessing over him so much. You guys can do stuff separately and you'll be fine."

Alex pondered Conner's words for a while. It wasn't like him to suddenly give advice to her in a serious, non-joking way, so she supposed he really meant it.

"Like, I get it. I was a little like that at first, during the summer with Bree, but it's not feasible to spend all of your time with one person while you're completely focused on them with all your heart and soul. You've got to save some space for yourself too. Practice self care, y'know."

Alex frowned. "You think I'm being too... concerned about my boyfriend?"

"Not that it's a big problem," Conner said hastily. "But... yeah. Just telling you now. Because, uh, there are other aspects of your life to focus more on. Instead of putting everything you got into romance."

Now Alex was embarrassed, because she knew she had been slightly distracted by her studies. It was also weird and a bit uncomfortable that Conner was the one chewing her out.

Conner wagged a fork in Alex's direction. "Just looking out for you, y'know," he said a bit lamely.

"Okay, I get it, don't give me that look." Alex sighed. "I guess it's like, everything currently going on in my life. It's all of the high school stress."

"This new year has been kicking my butt and it hasn't even been a month," Conner muttered.

"Agreed." Alex stared at her food. "But it's just the first month, so it'll probably get better as more time passes."

Conner stabbed his fork into his toast. "Probably. Or at least, hopefully."


You have a new message from Dani :3.

"yooo where are you?"

Sent: 11:48am

Received: 11:48am


You have a new message from bree ^_^.

"next to the smoothie shop"

Sent: 11:48am

Received: 11:49am


Bree had wanted to add blue and pink highlights to her hair for quite some time. Of course, she had them in her bangs since middle school, but now she wanted to truly commit to the look. And since Bree would get a discount from the salon if she brought someone with her, Danielle tagged along ("Time to empty our wallets!"). Danielle didn't want to do anything drastic, so she just chose to add some gold and yellow highlights to make her red hair pop.

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