"I think those things should be banned," Elspeth said firmly, and I could only nod in agreement. As soon as the TV switched over to a clip of some guy who wanted to try jumping from a motorbike to a skateboard in motion, we could laugh again. None of us had any problem getting a giggle out of someone else's misfortune, so long as it was his own fault and there didn't seem to be any serious injury.

"You're not the only one," I said, the anxiety I'd been through over the last month competing with my urge to let the subject drop so that Marcie didn't have to relive any of her own experiences.

"Yeah. Or... well... I guess as a way to get out of being sued, it seems like a reasonable idea. But it should be your own choice if you want to do that. Not something your parents are dropping on you. It's not like–" Jodie stopped suddenly, and looked up at Serena. "Oh, Serena. You didn't finish telling us. You're actually looking forward to it, right? But you didn't say which ones you're getting."

"Oh yeah," she mumbled, mouth full of pizza. "I don't actually know yet. I mean, I've got the cards, but I haven't looked at them. It feels like that would diminish the experience, you know? That's what I was going to ask, if it doesn't bother anyone. I was wondering if I could get a friend to make the choice for me, so it feels more like it's something being imposed on me and less like a random draw. But I know some of you had bad experiences, so–"

"No, it's fine," Marcie said with a grin, and I didn't think she was forcing it this time. "It's like somehow it's really different if it's something you want. I really don't get it, I have no idea how anybody could be okay with that, but if you are it doesn't bother me. It's kind of weird, like seeing the whole thing from a different angle. When it's Mum talking to one of her friends about how best to torture their kids, that really creeps me out. But you're really okay with this."

"Thanks," Serena said, with a blush. "I'd probably ask your mum if I could, if that wouldn't be really weird. I get the feeling this is the kind of decision that she likes making. While I've only got Mr Pine, he'll only make a decision if I tell him to. Don't think he has any concept of discipline, he's too nice for his own good."

"I bet. If I could swap, I would, believe me. But heck... if you want to have the choice taken away, you could give us the options. I mean, it must be weird seeing this from the other side, seeing what kind of choices our parents got to make. I'm kind of interested to know how much information they got in advance. If you want to, I mean. And if Elspeth doesn't mind. It's her party, after all."

"Spending time with my friends and my girlfriend is the best I could hope for, dear. I probably can't do a good impression of your mum, but yeah... maybe we should all vote on what you get. Have you got a set of shortlist cards? You mentioned them, I think."

Serena blushed, and pulled a small envelope out of her pocket. It was still sealed, and had the stamp of Becker's pharmacy on it. It looked like it was the right size to contain two or three trading cards; like the exclusive boosters that I'd been so obsessed with collecting when I was younger. Maybe I'd never gotten over that little obsession, because my fingers were craving to open it as soon as I saw Serena pass it over to Lance. And then I looked down at my hands, and saw something else that I should have paid attention to sooner.

"Uhh... Serena? Sorry to interrupt, but..." I held up a can of beer. Or maybe half a can, judging by the weight.

"I saw," she answered. "You were eating an extra hot pizza, and you need a drink. That's reasonable. And you've drunk no more than anyone else. Don't worry, I'm watching you."

"That's not the point. I opened one without realising, and I need to stop that. The rule Dad set was that I have to ask permission if I'm going to touch alcohol, and I didn't."

"I saw you pick it up. I nodded, and I'm sure you acknowledged, even if it's on autopilot. And you noticed."

"Yeah. But... I really should get a punishment for opening one without actually asking. If Marcie's mum had seen that, I'm sure she would have given me a booster right away."

"It's a party," Serena said, and glanced over at Elspeth. She didn't want to kill the mood, and I knew that if I'd been my old self I would have been the one mentally evaluating my own needs against everyone else's fun. "I should have challenged you, and I'm sorry, but I didn't want to reduce the fun for anyone else. So how about from now on, everyone moves the piles of cans out of Lorna's reach, and if you want one you ask me? I'm not going to say no unless you're getting drunk when your friends aren't, so it's a perfunctory gesture. But if it makes you more comfortable..."

"I don't want to be drunk at all," I said. "Two drinks over the evening, maybe. Maybe three. I don't mind being the sober one when it gets a bit silly."

"Okay, let's do that, then. El, can you shift that bottle a bit this way? Just to be on the safe side. And then maybe I'd better run to the bathroom while you lot take a look at those cards. And I can't thank you enough for doing this for me."

"Me neither," I said. "You, all my friends, you've done everything possible to make this easier for me, and that's just amazing."

So Serena left, I swapped the remaining half of my beer with Lance, who had been starting with a glass of Tizer, and watched in eager anticipation as Nikki did the honours reading out the options we could choose to humiliate our friend.

Author's Note: I don't actually have any idea what these girls would think to ask/dare if they were playing truth or dare. It might happen later in the party, but is more likely if someone can give some ideas that seem likely for the characters.

I should also apologise as I had another panic attack last night. This chapter was due to be posted yesterday, and it's now 8 minutes past midnight. But I hope you can forgive me for that.

✅ A Dose of Humiliationजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें