Part 2

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I stood near my teacher, whom I still didn't know his name, as we both waited for my class. Come on guys, please hurry. This is legit scary. Soon a massive group of students came running towards us, a smile growing on my face as I started to relax a little. Eventually the teacher told us we were doing physical exams, exactly like the ones we did in elementary school but we were allowed to use our quirks. Well... there was a catch... the person in last place, was going to be expelled. This shocked everybody, except the boy with the blonde, spiky hair. He looked completely normal, or like somebody had challenged him to something he was the best at.

He was the first one to do the ball throw, getting a record of 705.2 meters. HOLY CRAP! HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO BEAT THAT? Never mind that, why did he scream die when throwing the ball? All of us ended up having turns at throwing the ball and getting our records. One girl, who looked a little like Kirby, got infinity. All that were left were myself and a boy with hair similar to a broccoli. I watched as the teacher erased the boy's quirk, talking to him, and watched the boy stand there with the ball afterwards. Was he calculating something? He got into a stance to throw the ball and yeeted it as far as he could, getting a record of 705.1 meters. Finally it was my turn, as I walked into the circle with the ball in my hand. I stood there, eventually sprouting my wings from my back and summoning my scythe. I jumped up, flapping my wings until I was high enough into the sky. I threw the ball up and swung my scythe like a baseball bat, colliding with the ball and sending it flying far. I slowly glided to the ground, waiting for the ball to hit the ground.


I watched as Y/N flew up into the sky and swung their scythe, sending the ball flying into the distance. They slowly glided to the ground, the light catching their body from behind them. They look like an angel, and they are so strong. I could only feel my face heating up and turning pink. So manly!
"You alright man?", my new friend, Kaminari, pondered.
"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine" I quickly said, trying to throw him off. He quickly shrugged and talked to others around him.


I watched as another damn extra entered the circle, I was already a bit pissed. That damn nerd Deku hid the fact that he's had a quirk this entire time, probably laughing behind my back all this time. It's stupid, he's stupid! I prepared for their attempt. There's no way somebody like them are going to beat me and my record, they are so weak. I watched as they flew up and swung something, colliding it with the ball. No big deal, I can do that too. I watched as they flew down, scoffing at their attempt. I have to admit, they look kinda cute... they're wings look soft too. WAIT, WHAT AM I THINKING? Stupid brain, trying to make me fall in love. NOT HAPPENING!!


I gently landed on the ground, everybody but that blonde looking at me. Suddenly almost all the girls ran at me, scaring me to the point where I started to run away. I don't think I've ever ran away from people as much as I did today. I ran behind my teacher, hoping he'd protect me. Just as I did he tapped my shoulder, showing me my result. 734.5 metres? You've got to be kidding me! I beat that blonde's record!
"Y/N is the only one to be beaten Bakugo's record. They got 734.5 meters, which means that all of you were wrong. I knew that you all thought they were quite weak, but looks can be quite deceiving.", the teacher said to the class. Did he really just complement me? I see, he's just a big softie. I looked at the blonde, remembering his name. Bakugo... it sounds super cool, and it suits him.

Bakugo started running towards me, malicious intent on his face. Once again started running, running for my life. You have wings, remember? You can just fly. I took off into the air, hoping he couldn't catch me up here. Man was I wrong. He kept on yelling at me, using his explosions to keep him in the air. I flew past the teacher, as he used his scarf to hold Bakugo away from me. I lowered myself to the ground again, but this time when the girls charged at me I just stayed put. I closed my eyes, preparing for the worst but only found soft touches on my wings. They just wanted to feel my wings. Why was I so scared?

~Time Skip~

The day eventually ended, as I walked home with two of my classmates. Shark Boy and Mina Ashido, although I preferred to call her Alien Queen. Turns out they both live near me, so we talked until Mina had to travel down a different street. Before she left, I gave her my phone number so we could stay in touch. Now it was just Shark Boy and I, walking to our homes.
"So, what is your quirk exactly Y/N?", he asked. I looked at him, wondering where this question came from.
"Well, my quirk is called Fallen Angel. I sprout wings from my back and can summon a scythe, but there are consequences for my quirk. If my emotions get the better of me, I go berserk and if I use my quirk for too long I start crying blood and eventually go unconscious.", I explained. We walked the rest of the way to his house in silence. I would've said something, but I couldn't think of anything. Soon enough, we got there and quickly swapped numbers.
"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow Shark Boy", I laughed.
"Ok, see you tomorrow Angel", he said smoothly.

I walked the rest of the way home, my house empty as usual. My mind repeated the last thing he said. Angel... I like it! Although, it almost seems like he was trying to flirt with me. My face turned red and hot, thinking of the possibility that he could've been. Nah, there's no way he's trying to flirt with me. I decided as I quickly went for a shower, made myself something to eat and returned to the dark empty void of my subconscious.

Author Note:
I'm seriously sorry, I keep on writing long chapters!! I don't know why though, but it seems easier for me. Sorry if it's too long, please don't forget to comment and give feedback. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated. I love reading all the comments and they make me laugh. Have a good day/night!


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