"Oh that's great news, but why will you be raising them alone?" FreckleWish questioned, when the queen didn't reply her amber eyes clouded, "is BirchFace the father?"

"FreckleWish, maybe she doesn't want to tell anyone who the father is," the p/c Tom stated as he nuzzled the golden speckles she-cat.

MapleShade kept silent, "I knew it, BirchFace will be so proud!" FreckleWish let out a delighted mew.

The tortoiseshell let out a deep breath, W/n shifted his paws uneasily, he had fell hard for MapleShade and now W/n felt broken by the news.

Yet happy that his friend would live on in the kits, "I could help you raise them, if you like?"

MapleShade's amber eyes widened, her face heating up, "really? You mean that?"

"Of course," W/n purred, sitting beside the queen, "anything for BirchFace's kits."

Suddenly, the tortoiseshell she-cat felt an overwhelming guilt flood her.

"W/n the kits are coming!" FreckleWish meowed with wide amber eyes, W/n quickly raced to the nursery dropping a mouse that he grabbed before the sudden news.

He poked his head in to see RavenWing overseeing the queen, "try to relax," the black Tom stated.

She opened her mouth to argue back, however her fur rippled in pain and a kitten was born, "it's a Tom!" FreckleWish mewed.

W/n quickly padded towards him and quickly licked the kit, seeing his beautiful brown fur.

"He's beautiful..." the p/c Tom whispered, RavenWing picked up the kit and placed him next to MapleShade's belly.

Then the queen let out a yowl as a second kit was born, another Tom who looked like MapleShade.

"FreckleWish, clean the kit for MapleShade," RavenWing stated, W/n saw a glint of annoyance in the queen's eyes.

A third kit was then born, a pale brown she-kit, RavenWing cleaned her up quickly, "you have one more, come on MapleShade!"

The tortoiseshell gave it one last push and the last kit was born, a small p/c she-kit who was already crying.

"She looks just like you!" FreckleWish purred happily as she pressed herself against W/n he looked over the four kits with a warm smile.

MapleShade looked at the fourth kit in worry, thoughts seemingly running through her head.

Was this StarClan's way to torment her? The more she looked at the p/c kit the more she began to feel guilty about her actions.

RavenWing flicked his tail towards, "we will leave you to rest, I'll come back at sunhigh with herbs."

"I'll be fine," MapleShade stated as she stared at her kits with love, "but I would like some water."

FreckleWish quickly got to her paws, "I'll go fetch some!" The golden she-cat was gone tickle.

W/n chuckled with a shake of his head, "you've made FreckleWish's life better, she took the death of BirchFace hard..."

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