Chapter 2

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MapleShade padded beside BeeTail as the clan entered the clearing, seeing that everyone else had already arrived.

W/n hung his head low, gazing around at the cats, and quickly padded away to speak with ShadowClan cats.

This was her chance, the tortoiseshell she-cat squeezed herself through the crowds of cats, once RiverClan had spotted her, they snarled.

"Watch it!" A yowl caught her ear, RainFall glared at her, "even if a truce exists, you shouldn't push your luck..."

"I'm not staying," she instigated as RiverClan cats snarled viciously. "Remember BirchFace and FlowerPaw, RiverClan will kill more cats to take back Sunningrocks..."

Did he really mean that? MapleShade brushed it off as her eyes laid on AppleDusk, he caught her eyes and his fur raised, "what are you doing here? It's dangerous!"

"Nothing can keep me away from you," the she-cat whispered as she smiled at him, he on the other hand looked away from her. "I just thought you wanted to know some exciting news."

"What news?" He questioned, his green eyes curious, MapleShade purred happily. "I'm having your kits..."

"That's amazing," he whispered, looking around self-consciously, "but what would ThunderClan say to that?"

"They will soon accept them, who could say no to kits that will make the clans stronger?" MapleShade mewed with love in her eyes, "they will be accepted equally by RiverClan and ThunderClan."

OakStar stepped up on the leaders rock and MapleShade quickly snuck away from AppleDusk. W/n sat close to her with a small smile.

"At SnakeRocks, we have blocked off the holes so the adders can't hurt any of our clan,"
OakStar announced.

"RiverClan are growing strong," DarkStar announced, her blue eyes shifting at OakStar, "we won't be giving up easily to reclaim what's our's."

"Your warrior killed my son," OakStar growled at her, fur bristling, "I will never forget that!"

MapleShade looked at W/n, he said nothing, but his gaze was hard and his claws shifted into the earth.

"Come on AppleDusk," a beautiful ginger tabby she-cat purred to the brown Tom as the gathering came to an end.

MapleShade scowled as ReedShine pressed herself against AppleDusk, he smiled at the RiverClan cat.

He belongs to me!


"FreckleWish," BeeTail meowed, "I want you to lead a boarder patrol, take NettlePaw, BloomHeart and MapleShade with you."

"Come on MapleShade!" The apprentice poked his head into the warriors den, W/n watches with amusement as NettlePaw raced back to BloomHeart.

MapleShade stumbled out unbalanced, W/n then felt worried, was she hurt?

"Your in the dawn patrol," BeeTail said to the tortoiseshell. "I can't, I'm expecting kits," MapleShade mewed.

W/n swallowed the lump caught in his throat as he padded up to her with a smile, "congratulations, who's the father?"

MapleShade gave W/n a small smile, "I'll be raising the kits alone."

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