fourteen (14)

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This is your chapterly reminder toCHECK THE TWS IN THE DESCRIPTION OF THE BOOK!!!!

Grian was still soundly asleep for like half an hour after that, but when Grian did wake up again, Mumbo found himself unable to keep it in him. So he blurted out what happened really quickly while Ex tried with all his might not to facepalm.

Grian froze for a second, before remembering his 'excuse' for if anyone found out. He held up his guard, forced himself to relax, but he knew that he would definitely crumble later.

"Meh, went mining and got whacked by a zombie holding a sword, then it healed weird so i had to cut it open so I could fix it properly." He cringed at his own attempt at acting, though he didnt show it, well because obviously he was still acting, damn give this man an Oscar at this point.

"OH!" Mumbo exclaimed, "That explains it!"

"I suppose so," Grian shrugged, "I mean there's not much else to it"

"That makes sense! Has it healed properly now?" Ex asked, visibly relaxing.

"Yeah its alright now" Grian smiled fakely.

"Ah okay thats good" Ex and Mumbo both smiled back warmly.

They... believed it... for now anyways...


"Want anything to drink?" Grian offered to the two.
"Please can i just have a water?" Ex asked politely.

"Sure! You want anything, Mumbo?" Grian jumped up from his lying down position he'd been in and headed to the door (though his head went a little bit fuzzy and gave him a slight headache, oh well).

"Err, you got any orange juice?"
"Please can i have some of that?"
"Yep! Alright coming right up for the both of you!"

A few minutes after he left, Grian reappeared with the two's drinks alongside a bottle of water for himself, and they talked for a while until it was getting late and they thought that they should head off ("goodnight!" "Goodnight" "Sleep well guys!")

And naturally, the next few days passed fairly quietly and accident-free. Grian walked around the shopping district for a while to show that he still existed, oblivious to the Xisuma who just occasionally hid behind corners and watched his actions.

X was once again hiding behind a nearby oak tree to a shop that Grian had just entered, he could see the silhouette of his red-sweater friend through the window. He watched him exit, rub his nose twice, and enter another shop, buying something.

Grian was walking in the open while X was walking in the shadows, watching; well he was doing, until:

"Oh hey X! You're looking a bit shady there!" Cleo flew down to beside him, "What you up to?"

Quick X, think of an excuse, "I was buying some prismarine so i was just having a little wonder about, y'know" He smiled, she smiled back, "you can join me if you'd like!"

"I would, but I've gotta get going, i was just picking up some bones so i could get some more doggos! I saw Tango over there somewhere if you wanna chat to him." She pointed north, "Near Ren's shop. I just saw you and decided to say hi"

"Ah alright thanks Cleo, see you around!"
"See ya!" She flew away into the direction of her base, and Xisuma continued onwards with his journey, no longer following Grian, however he did actually need some prismarine.


X had soon come to the conclusion that there wasn't actually anything going on with Grian and what False saw must have just been his sleeve had come up while he was sleeping and he was just pulling it down when False walked into the room.


About 5 or so days after blatantly lying to Mumbo and Ex, Grian was making a trip to the end for some shulkers and endstone, because yet again he was building something one could only describe as marvellous.

The portal was actually closer than he thought, reading the co-ordinates on the map he'd been given, against where his current co-ordinates were. About a hundred-and-fifty-so blocks away. But who was counting anyways, amirite?

The system on Hermitcraft was that whenever you went into the end you had to write in the chat that you were entering the end, because respawning after death by void was one of the most painful of the selection, the familiar yet uncanny feeling of cold and emptiness lingering inside you for weeks afterwards.

Grian: Going in the end now, need shulkers and endstone

That way, if you were to die by falling out of the world, people would be aware that you'd been in the end, and so they could help you when you do respawn.

BdoubleO100: Okay!!
Zedaphplays: Stay safe!

And with that, he dropped into the end portal and entered the new dimension. Almost instantly he was met by the small obsidian platform, luckily for him the ender dragon had already been defeated, so all he needed to do was go through the next portal (the one that would take him to the endercity part of the end) and then do what he needed to do, before heading back.

Yes, he'd checked beforehand that his elytra and amounts of rockets were okay, so he had no excuse or reason to fall, except for the fact that he was suicidal, but y'know.

It didn't take long to find an end city, and it didn't really matter if somebody had already been to them, because all he needed was the shulkers from those anyways, not the elytra.

Once he'd gotten enough, he noticed a private message on his elytra,

Goodtimeswithscar (to Grian): Hey do you have any spare fish that i could borrow? I'm getting an army of Jellies!

Typical Scar, but yes, he did. Like 4 stacks of it too.

Grian (to Goodtimeswithscar): Yeah, if you go to my base in the storage room/chest monster area there's a single yellow shulker box on the far left, they're in there, take maybe 3 1/2 stacks? Is that enough?

Goodtimeswithscar (to Grian): Thank you!
Goodtimeswithscar (to Grian): My jellie army shall be at your service whenever you need them.

Grian (to Goodtimeswithscar): Delightful, also no worries.

Now all he needed to do was mine some endstone then he could go home. He needed at least 5 stacks, but he needed double if he didnt want to go back halfway through building. God, the air in the end felt like a cold hug made by a relative who your parents say you know but you dont really know.


Would you lot believe me if I told you all this book so far counts to exactly 100a5 pages of writing in my writing? Plus there's extra added in here that I didn't write beforehand, as well as obviously there being some stuff I shortened that was longer on paper :0

I'm making my own book folks o7 (not published or anything sadly)

Thank you everyone for reading upto here so far!!! Again, I don't know if I'll update tomorrow but hopefully maybe possibly idk

1150 words
21st August 2022

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