"I wonder why it doesn't anymore." Lifting my hand, I look into his eyes.

"It still does," Beau whispers, so quiet that I can't be sure what he said.

"What did you say?" I ask, wondering if I heard him correctly. I'm drunk, so I wouldn't be surprised if I just heard what I wished he would say.

"Nothing." Beau quickly removes his hand from around my waist and takes a step back.

"Do you know that I love you?" I blurt out.

"Delilah, you shouldn't be saying things like this."

"I know, I shouldn't, but..." I stop once I remember that I can't help Beau recover his memory. Jenny will hurt my dad if I do. I was so close to telling him everything. Thank God I remembered.

"But what?" He asks, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Nothing, let's go." I begin to walk toward the car, but Beau grabs my hand pulling me back.

"Delilah, all your suffering is going to end soon. I promise."

"I wish your words were true, Beau, but I doubt that will ever happen." I remove his hand from mine and head toward the car.

I sit as far away from Beau as possible and try my best not to let him know I'm crying. This is a nightmare, and I can't wait for tomorrow to be over. Watching Beau marry someone else will be hard, but at least this torture will finally come to an end. Maybe I'll even be able to move on with my life afterward.



I wake up the morning after the rehearsal dinner with the brightest smile on my face. My PI came to see me last night. I had almost given up hope that things would work out. But thank God they did. Everything I've done these past few months is finally going to pay off. Sometimes I thank God for how I almost died at the hands of those thugs. It wouldn't have been as easy for me to execute my plan if I hadn't almost lost my life.

Once I'm done getting ready for the day, I pick up my phone and text Grandfather and Mother to meet me in the study before going down for breakfast. I can't wait to see the looks on their faces after they see what I'm going to show them.

"Good morning, everyone," I say, walking into my grandfather's study.

"Morning, dear." Mother kisses me on the cheeks before sitting beside Grandfather.

"Good morning, son; why did you want to meet with us?" asks.

"If you would be kind enough to open the email you just received, you will understand why." They do as I ask and check their phones.

"What is the meaning of this?" Grandfather asks, jumping out of his seat. His anger doesn't surprise me.

"I have gathered enough evidence to have you both arrested for the kidnappings of Delilah and Tamara, so you will listen to my demands, or else the DA's office will receive the same email."

"You can't do that to us. We'd go to prison!" Mother yells.

"I know, and if you don't agree with what I'm about to say, then you should prepare yourself for that."

Grandfather speaks up. "What do you want us to agree to?"

"I want you and Mom to allow Delilah and I to be together."

"Why would you want to be with a gold digger?" Grandfather questions, and I laugh. I can't believe they really think I don't have my memories.

"Because I know she isn't one," I answer simply.

"Did she tell you that? Anything she says is a lie," Mother states.

"No, Mother, she didn't tell me anything. But I know the truth. I never lost my memory."

"Oh my God! I can't believe it," she exclaims.

"So, this was your plan all along?" Grandfather says. "Deceive us into thinking you lost your memory while you obtained incriminating evidence against your mother and me?"

"Yes, Grandfather."

"I don't understand. Why did you pretend to lose your memory?" Mother asks.

"I did it because it was the only way to keep Delilah safe. I knew that even if I decided to leave her, it would only be a matter of time before I tried to be with her again and put her at risk from being hurt by you and Grandfather once more. Our seven years apart has proven that I will always want her. So, when I heard you blame Delilah for something you and Grandfather had done, I realized the only way to keep her safe while I figured out a way for us to be together was to pretend I lost my memory. I knew she would be safe from yours and Grandfather's wrath if I had no memory of her. You wouldn't have considered her a threat if I couldn't even remember her name."

"I can't believe you did all of that for a woman who isn't worthy of you," Mother sneered.

"I'm the one who isn't worthy of her," I say with a smile.

"Never!" Grandfather says, slamming his hand onto the desk. "She's unworthy of being your partner."

"Whether you believe her to be worthy or not is none of my business, Grandfather. She's the woman I love, and I'm going to spend the rest of my life with her, whether you like it or not."

"You are a disgrace to this family! You can kiss your inheritance goodbye. If you think I'll allow you to get a single penny while you're with that whore, then you're sorely mistaken."

"I don't care about my inheritance. You're my grandfather, after all. You started from nothing, and so can I."

"Beau, why can't you see that being with her is wrong?" Mother says.

"Wrong? How can being with a woman like Delilah be wrong? She's the most amazing person in this world."

Mother shakes her head. "She is not worthy of you."

"That may be what you believe, Mother, but I don't. I love Delilah, and I'm going to be with her." I walk to the door, but before I leave, I turn back to remind my mother of something.

"Mother, I suggest you call to tell the Clarks the wedding is off since you are the one who arranged it. Goodbye." With that, I leave my grandfather's study and walk outside to my car.

I can't wait to tell Delilah everything and finally be with her. I have waited for this day. Now, we can be together.

Rekindling Old Flames (BWWM)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum