Part 24

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Cody POV

I was missing her so much. It has been 6 months that she has been in a coma. Half a year. This was hurting me si badly. I missed her voice. Her laugh. Her beautiful brown eyes. Her lively personality.

Suddenly I heard a shout. I was sitting outside her room.

"Cody!" I heard someone yell. I ran into her room and saw her sitting up. Her eyes were wide open. She was looking around. Taking everything in of where she was. Her eyes shot up, staring into mine. I ran to her and embraced her. She acted quickly by pushing me away and then pulling me in for a kiss.

"I missed you so much, beautiful." We chuckled. "I miss you too, baby." Our foreheads were against each other. We stared into each others eyes.

Lily POV

A doctor came in and was surprised that I was up. He checked me making sure that nothing would happen again and I was safe to go home tomorrow. They just wanted to make sure nothing bad would happen so they kept me another night.

Next day

I woke up to a few doctors coming in and checking if I was fine and ready to go home. I got checked out and went home with Cody. When we got home, I got greeted with hugs from Daniel, Kevin, Jasmine and Caitlin. I was happy to see them. I went inside and looked around. I forgot a bit how the house looked like. Something bothered me though. How long was I in a coma?

"Babe. Can I ask you something?"

"You just did." He laughed and walked over to me and hugged me from behind. "Just joking. What do you wanna ask, babe?"

"How long was I in a coma for?"

He was silent for a few seconds. "Half a year."

"What?!" I turned around. "Half a year?!" I yelled.

"Babe, what's wrong?"

"I was away for that long?"

"Yeah. What happened? Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing's wrong. It's just, I felt like I was only away for like a day. Maybe two even, but 6 months?!"

"Don't worry babe. I'm happy you're back with me. In my arms. I missed you so much." He hugged me tightly from behind. I turned around and kissed him. I missed this so much.

I pulled away and looked at him. We stared at each other. I suddenly remembered the wedding!

"Wait, what about the wedding?!"

"Don't worry. We can talk about that. When do you want it to be? I chose a place already because I didn't want you to do all the hard work after you just got out of a 6 months coma." He smirked looking down at me. I just smiled at him and said we would talk about it later.

I walked up the stairs to out bedroom to get changed. When I looked in the mirror, I yelled. Cody came running to me and asked what was wrong. "L-look at m-my face. I-I look hideous." I said stuttering of shock. I had bruises across my face from when Henry was hitting me.

"What do you mean? You look beautiful." I shot my eyes at him. He was looking at me like I was some type of f fragile thing that would break even if you just blew at it. He had admiration in his eyes.

I started to blush and kissed him. I went to go change and got the perfect  'I'm back' look.

 I went to go change and got the perfect  'I'm back' look

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