Part 21

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Lily POV

I couldn't really move because of how he hit me. I don't even know if he stopped hitting when I passed out. Clearly he is my dad's son. My dad used to hit my mom and even sometimes me because he was an alcoholic. He cheated on my mom with a slut called Hannah or something. Her son was my half brother. Henry.

I finally know why my half brother is so abusive. My dad. But why take it out on me? I didn't do anything to him.

Before I could realise, he was crouched in front of me. I couldn't bare to look at him. I actually couldn't really see if it was him. I could barely see anything. It was all a blur. I didn't want to be here. I wanted to be with Cody. I wanted him to hold me tightly, like that night he told me about his nightmares. Well, now his nightmare became true. Hopefully just not the 'killed' part.

I got taken out of my thoughts by Henry hitting me across my face. He just sat there and laughed. I gave out a cry of pain. Tears were flowing down my face and it was hurting my eyes even more. I just wanted Henry to die. I know it might sound a bit harsh, but he was hurting me a lot.

I couldn't even speak. I was feeling numb by now anyways. He started hitting me again. I couldn't feel it this time, because he hit me so much that I couldn't feel anything anymore. He kept on hitting me and then suddenly I heard a gunshot.

Cody POV

We were driving to the house that we thought was the place that Henry was keeping Lily. We stopped a bit further away from the house so that they don't see us. There were two guys in front, probably guarding the door. The policeman gave me one of his guns and told me to shoot one and he'll shoot the other. I did as he said but before I shot, I heard a loud scream. It sounded like a girl. Lily!

I shot one guy and then I shot the other one without remembering that the policeman was supposed to shoot one. I ran in the house and looked in every room until I opened one and saw Henry punching Lily everywhere. I cocked the gun and yelled at Henry. "Henry! Stop right now! I will blow a bullet in you head if you do not move away from her right now!" He turned quickly. He looked shocked. The policeman and a few other policemen came in and arrested Henry and I ran over to Lily.

She was bruised all over. Her eyes were so swollen and I'm guess she passed out. She wasn't moving. No, she couldn't be dead, right?

I quickly checked for her pulse, thank god! She was still alive. I quickly picked her up and ran to the car. I put her in gently and drove to the hospital as quick as I could. I got there and took her out running into the hospital, asking for help. They took her into a room and started doing stuff to help her. Thank god I found her. I put my face in my hands, standing against the wall and started sliding down to sit on the floor. I sat like that for a few minutes.

The doctor came out in a few minutes and said that they had to do surgery, because something about dead tissue. I just wanted to know if she was going to be okay. "Will she be okay, doctor?"

"She will be just fine. You must be her husband I guess?"

"Soon to be. We were going to get married next week. I just need  her to be okay. That's all that matters."

"You are a good fiance sir."

"You can just call me Cody."

"Okay. Well, she will be getting check ups every half an hour or hour. The surgery will be in about 3 hours."

"Thanks, doctor."

He walked away and I went to go sit down by Lily. My beautiful angel. "Oh, Lily. Why did he do that to you? He is a monster. Don't worry. He will never get his hands on you again."


So guys. What do you think? Is the book okay? I hope you are enjoying the book:)

Love you all so much<3

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