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Tanet stood outside his house, biting his lips nervously. He had left the house yesterday in a haste without even listening to his parents. They had tried calling him on his phone the entire night but he had broken his phone in anger. They then called Veera who assured them that he is fine and promised to bring him the next day.

Tanet: Phi...

Veera: Come on Tanet, they are your parents. They are worried about you.

Tanet: What if Dad still insist on us getting divorced?

Veera: Will you agree?

Tanet: NO, NEVER.

Veera: Then what are you afraid of. I am here with you and I am never letting you go.

Tanet: Hmm

Tanet gathers courage and rings the bell. The housekeeper opens the door and ushers them into the living room.

Tanet's mom: Oh my God Tanet! You really scared us, running away like that.

Tanet: I am sorry mom. I had to go. I...

Tanet's mom: What happened to your hands son?

Tanet dad looks at the bandaged hands with concern.

Tanet: I..I..

Tanet looks at Veera for help but he does not say anything.

Tanet: I got hurt when I broke things in the condo in anger.

Tanet's dad: What happened that made you lose your control like that?

Tanet: I....I don't want to divorce PVeera. I don't want to end my marriage.

Tanet's dad: But Son...

Tanet: I know I was against this marriage initially but now....

Tanet's dad: What has changed your decision son?

Tanet: Love... I love PVeera and I want to live my entire life with him. I don't want to end this marriage.

Tanet's dad: But Tanet, Veera is in love with someone else. How can you be happy in a loveless marriage?

Tanet: I am the one.

Tanet's dad: Huh

Tanet: I am the one who he has been in love with all these years. I am the one who broke his heart unknowingly. I am his unrequited love which drive him away from his family and friends.

Tanet's mom: OMG!!!!

Tanet's mom hugs Veera and rubs her hand soothingly on his back.

Tanet's mom: Oh my poor child. I can't even imagine your pain seeing your love with your sister. And we caused you more pain by getting you into a marriage of convenience with him. We are so sorry son.

Veera: No, please don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong.  It's just destiny that was cruel to me and took away the one I love. But later, it showed mercy and gave him back to me as my husband. Now that I have been given a second chance, I don't want to lose it.

Veera gets down on his knees before Tanet's parents and looks at them with folded hands.

Veera: Dad, mom, I love your son more than anything in this world. He means the world to me and I want him to be part of my life for eternity. So, will you please give me permission to marry him?

Tanet's parents look at the kid kneeling before them with tears in their eyes.

Tanet's dad: Ofcourse we accept your proposal. He is yours son. Please love him more and take good care of him.

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