Chapter 6

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Veera: What is happening here? Can someone tell me?

Veera looks at everyone in the room but they all have a blank expression on their faces. His dad suddenly pulls out a chair and looks at him.

Veera's dad: Sit down Veera

Veera: But

Veera's dad: Sit... down

Veera sits down and look at his dad once again.

Veera's dad: Read this.

Veera's dad holds out a piece of paper to him. He takes the paper and unfolds it. It is a letter from Waan addressed to him and their parents. He looks at his parents in shock.

Veera's dad: Read

Veera starts reading.

Dear Dad, Mum and P,

By the time you receive this letter, I would have gone far away from here. I know what I am doing is unforgivable but I don't have any choice. I don't want to get married to PTanet. I don't love him anymore and I don't want to make his life miserable by getting into a loveless marriage.

The first time I realized that our relationship is falling apart, I tried to find ways to mend it but nothing worked. PTanet's work schedule and my insecurities were stressing me out. All the girls hitting on him, relationship rumors, everything was too much for me to handle. I felt like our relationship is taking a back seat. I could not handle anything anymore. So, I decided to meet PTanet and call off this relationship but he proposed to me and I could not break his heart. Everyone were so excited about this engagement and I just went with the flow.

Now there is just three days left for the wedding and I have realized that I would be hurting everyone more by getting into this loveless marriage. So I have decided to leave before things get messy. I know this is going to hurt everyone but this better than an eternity of pain that will follow if we go ahead with this marriage. Once again I am sorry for putting everyone through this pain and shame. Please forgive me.



Tears are flowing down Veera's eyes as he read the letter. Veera looks at his parents who are looking at me in agony.

Veera's dad: She could have just told us before we started the preparations. We would have understood. But now..

Veera: Where is he?

Veera's dad: Huh

Veera: Tanet?

"He is in the garden."

Veera looks at the man who just answered his question.

Veera's dad: They are Mr and Mrs. Wang, Tanet's parents.

Veera: Hello Mr. and Mrs. Wang. Is it okay if I meet Tanet?

Tanet's dad: Hmm

Veera slowly walks towards the door that leads to their backyard garden. Veera can see Tanet standing near the fountain with his back facing him. He slowly walks towards him and stands beside him.

Veera: Tanet

Tanet turns his head slightly and looks at Veera. Veera can see tears in his eyes and he felt his heart breaking seeing those tears.

Veera: I am sorry. I am so sorry for what my sister did to you. She...

Tanet: She could have told me. I would have tried to understand. I....I guess it's not her fault completely. I hardly had time for her and I took our relationship for granted.

Veera: I can understand her frustration. Sometimes we fall out of love but she should not have lead you on like this. She could have told you the truth.

Tanet: I never gave her a chance P. I proposed to her before our entire family and friends. She would have felt so trapped. Then I decided to get married before she could even get used to the idea of being engaged. I was feeling insecure P. I could sense the distance between us and I didn't want to lose her. So I thought of sealing our relationship permanently. That must have triggered her to run away.

Veera: Stop blaming yourself Tanet. You both have made mistakes and there is no going back now. You just need to accept the fact that it is over. You will find someone else who loves you Tanet. Just give yourself some time.

Tanet: Is it that easy?

Veera: No. But time will heal everything. There will be a scar but we will learn to live with it.

Tanet: Why do I feel like you are talking from experience?

A sad smile appears on Veera's face.

Veera: I didn't even get a chance to confess my love to him. It was over even before it started.

Tanet: I ...I am sorry P.

Veera: It's an old story. I am saying this due to my experience that you will learn to live with it. Give yourself some time.

Tanetl: Time is what I don't have.

Veera: What do you mean?

Tanet: I am still under the contract of NNN music company for next 6 months. One of the clause states that I cannot get married until the contract expires.

Veera: You are not getting married now. Isn't it a good thing for you?

Tanet: It's not that simple. I was so eager to marry Waan that I decided to break the contract. I approached the company to find a middle ground so that I don't have to break the contract. They said they will agree to this marriage if I sign an agreement with them. As per the new agreement, I need to keep my marriage a secret till the end of the contract. If I failed to do so, I need to pay the music company a huge amount as fine. I agreed without thinking twice as I just wanted to marry Waan.

Veera: I don't understand. You are not getting married now. So the contract is no longer valid.

Tanet: Well, there is another side to this marriage, which is the business side. Our parents agreed to sign a merger between our companies after the wedding to improve the business prospects. Our stakeholders and financiers are thrilled by this deal as this deal will bring financial stability to both the companies. But now...

Veera: Now, with Waan gone, there is no longer a wedding and that is going to impact the business.

Tanet just nods his head in Yes.

Veera: Isn't there a way out of this mess? Can't we just sign a deal?

Tanet: I don't think my dad will agree to a simple merger. With the cancellation of this wedding, his reputation is also at stake. He does not like to bow his head before anyone.

Veera: Hmm. I wish I could help you in some way.

Tanet: You can.

Veera: Huh?

Tanet: Will you marry me?

Veera: WHAT?

Veera looks at Tanet in shock as the weight of that question sets on his heart.

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