Chapter 1

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A tall tanned skin guy in blue jeans, white tshirt and dark blue coat is sitting in the cafeteria eating his food. He stands out in the crowd due to his attire as he is the only Engineering student in the management department cafeteria. His gaze is not on his plate. He eyes are fixed .on a table at the other end of the cafeteria where a tall, fair and cute boy with dimples is having food with his friends. A smile appears on his face as he sees the cute guy laughing out loud at something his friend whispered in his ears.

"You need to stop ogling at him like that before he melts because of your fierce gaze."

The guy looks up and a scowl appears on his face as he see his bestfriend Kla standing next to him with a smirk on his face.

"Do you really need to interrupt my time with my love?"

Kla: Well, I wouldn't interrupt your time with your love if only he is aware of the fact that you are his lover Veera.

Veera: KLA

Kla: It's been 3 years Veera since you have been loving him silently. Why don't you just confess?

Veera: I... I don't want to lose him.

Kla: He doesn't even know that you exist.

Veera just looks down dejected.

Kla: Veera, we are graduating in 2 months. If you don't tell him now, you will definitely lose him forever.

Veera: What if he rejects me?

Kla: Then, you will get a closure and you can move forward in life without any regrets.

Veera: But

Kla: Veera, you are the Engineering headhazer and former moon of the university. Girls and boys run behind you to get your attention. Your enemies freeze with one look from you. But when it comes to him, why are you so helpless?

Veera: I don't know. I...Words just get stuck in my throat when he comes before me. I..

Kla: It's been the same since day 1.

Veera closes his eyes and remembers the first time he saw him.


Veera being the moon of the college is entrusted with the duty of making sure that new students joining the college are getting help with the registration process.

Veera: Kla, I need you to go to each booth set up for the different departments and make sure they have enough volunteers to assist with the registration. Please make sure no one is misbehaving with the new students.

Kla: Yes boss.

Kla walks away from there while Veera is busy checking a list given by one of the volunteers.

"Excuse me P"

Veera: Yes

Veera turns around and looks at person standing before him. He felt like he is struck by lightning as he see a cute guy with dimpled smile looking at him. His eyes are deep brown and so large that he felt like he would lose himself in them. Those silky, wavy hairs make him want to run his fingers through them. He was so lost in his thoughts that he hardly understood anything that the boy said.

Mr.Dimples: My name is Tanet. I am a new student in the Business Management department and I am looking for some help with registration. Can you please help me?

Veera just stands there looking at him without uttering a word.

Tanet: P

Veera: Huh

Tanet: Business management student registration.

Veera:Oh!!! I..I am sorry. We... We have a registration counter set up for your department at the other end of the corridor. Let me just take you there.

Tanet: Thank you P...

Veera: Veera, my name is Veera.

Tanet: Thank you PVeera.

Veera takes Tanet to the registration counter and leaves before he could get his contact number as he is summoned by his department head urgently. But he could not forget the dimpled guy since that day. He secretly followed him everywhere and got all his details. He spend every lunch break of his in the Business management cafeteria staring at him and loving him from a distance. It's been 3 years and his love just kept on increasing as days progressed.

Flashback ends.

Kla: I have been eating the same crappy food for past 3 years because of you.

Veera: Well, unlike me you gained something precious due to our visit to this cafeteria.

Kla: Huh

Veera signals to look behind him. Kla turns around and a smile appears on his face as he see a boy with a cute smile approach their table.

Kla: Daw

Daw: PKla. Why didn't you call me when you are already here?

Daw looks at Kla with a fake anger. Kla quickly pulls him on to his lap and Daw looks at him flustered and face turned red.

Daw: PKla, everyone are watching.

Kla: I don't care. There is no one here who doesn't know that you are my baby..

Daw: P

Daw blushes on hearing Kla calling him baby.

Kla: Baby, you said you have assignments to submit. I didn't want to disturb you. That's why I didn't call you.

Daw: Hmm. I finished submitting my assignments.

Kla: Then let me get us something to eat.

Daw: I will come with you.

Kla: But you must be tired after doing all those assignments.

Daw: No, I not tired. Let me come with you na.

Kla: Okay

Veera: Oh, I will puke now because of too much love in the air.

Kla: Well, unlike you I am not in a long distance relationship.

Veera: KLA

Kla: What? Just man up and speak to him before It's too late.

Daw: PKla is right PVeera. I have heard rumors that Tanet is interested in someone. Just take your chance before it's late.

Veera: Okay

Kla and Daw go to get their food while Veera sits there thinking of ways to approach Tanet.

Destiny- Loving you is my destiny Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ