Chapter 23

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Tanet stood outside the conference room trying to gather his courage to face the press. He knew that he would have to face questions regarding Film but what concerned him more is the absence of Veera. He wanted him next to him, to hold his hand, to tell him that everything will be alright but he didn't even see him once since morning.

Tanet's dad: Tanet, its time.

Tanet: Hmm

Tanet straightens his coat and then walks into the room with a determined expression and head held high. He looks at everyone in the room with a smile and then takes his seat.

Tanet: Goodevening everyone. Thank you for attending the conference at such a short notice. Let's begin.

Reporter1: Is it true that you are taking break from your music career to take over the company's CEO position.

Tanet: Yes, I am taking a break from music so that I can concentrate on the business.

Reporter 2: Why such a sudden decision? Earlier you said that music means life to you.

Tanet: Well, I love music but I love my family more. I am not stopping myself from playing music. I am just taking a break so that I can concentrate on the business that my dad set up with so much hard work.

Reporter 3: There is dating rumour going on between you and Miss. Film Rachanum. Are you guys dating?

Tanet: No, we are not dating. It's just a rumour. Film and I studied together in school. I met her outside a restaurant by chance and ended up having dinner and reminiscing about the past. Someone posted those photos and the ridiculous rumour begins.

Report1: But Miss. Film said she has a crush on you since school days and wouldn't mind dating you.

Tanet: Well, that's never going to happen.

Report2: Why are you so sure about that?

Tanet: Because I am married, happily married and I don't think a third person has place in our relationship.

Report1: Did you say married? Who are you married to?

Tanet: Yes, I Tanet Veera Li is married to Mr. Veera Li, the CEO of Li Technologies.

There is murmuring going on in the room after this revelation.

Reporter 2: Where is your husband and why is he not here on such an important day of his life?

Tanet looks down nervously unable to answer that question.

"Who said his husband is not here? I am here, right beside him."

Tanet looks beside him hearing that familiar voice. Veera is standing there looking at him with a smile.

Tanet: PVeera

Veera sits next to Tanet and holds his hand.

Reporter 1: So,you are Mr.Tanet's husband. How long have you been married?

Veera: Yes,I am Tanet's husband and we have been married for less than a month.

Reporter 2: Why was this kept a secret?

Tanet: Because of a contract I had signed with my music company.

Reporter 1: Are you revealing it because the contract has ended?

Tanet: No. I broke the contract with the company because family is more important than anything else in this world and he...

Tanet looks at Veera and their eyes lock for a second and then breaks the eye contact.

Tanet: He is my family and the most important person in my life. No contract in this world means more than him.

Reporter 2: Then why did you hide your marriage in the first place?

Veera: That was my decision. He has worked hard for his career. So I didn't want him to breach the contract because of our marriage.

Reporter 1: He still broke the contract.

Tanet: The rumour about my affair with Film could destroy my marriage and I cannot just stand there doing nothing. So I came out clean before everyone.

Reporter 1: But

Veera: That's all for today. Press conference is over. Tea and snacks are served in the next room. Please help yourself with the refreshments.

Veera gets up and takes Tanet's hand in his hand.He then pulls him out of the room without waiting for anyone to say anything. They got into the lift and rode down to the basement in silence. Veera gets out of the lift and walks towards his car followed by Tanet.

Veera: Get in.

Tanet gets into the car and wears his seat belt. Veera starts the car and they leave from there. Soon they reach their condo. Veera parks his car and walks out without looking at Tanet. He runs behind Veera who is about to enter the lift. The entire ride to their floor was in silence and that increased Tanet's anxiety. Veera unlocks the door of the condo and enters his apartment followed by Tanet.

Veera: Go, take a shower.

Veera does not wait for Tanet's response and just walks into the guestroom after taking his clothes from their bedroom. Tanet let's out a sigh and walks into their bedroom to freshen up. After changing into shorts and tshirt, he walks out of the bedroom to find Veera in the kitchen preparing something.

Tanet: P

Veera does not say anything and keeps piling food on two plates. He places the plate on the dining table and looks at Tanet.

Veera: Eat

Tanet sits down and starts eating the rice and omelet served to him. After having the food, he washes his plate and waits for Veera in the living room. Soon Veera comes out of the kitchen but he ignores Tanet and starts walking towards the guest room. Suddenly Tanet hugs him from behind, stopping Veera's steps.

Tanet: I am sorry. I am so sorry P. Please don't ignore me. I...

Veera: Why are you sorry Tanet? Are you sorry that you left me hanging, not even giving me a chance to explain? Are you sorry that you don't even trust me? Are you sorry that I am so easily replaceable in your life? What are you sorry for Tanet?

Tanet could not say anything as he is shocked by Veera's outburst. Veera frees himself from Tanet's hold and starts walking towards the guest room.

Tanet: I am sorry that I told you to confess your love to your first love. I am sorry that I could not tell you what you mean in my life. I am sorry that I didn't wait for your explanation. I am sorry that I never told you how much I love you.

This time, its Veera who is shocked by Tanet's revelation. Tanet slowly walks towards Veera and wraps his arms around his neck and pulls him forward. He then crashes their lips together with force.

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