Chapter 19

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Tanet enters his condo and it's pitch dark inside. He does not bother to turn on the lights and just walks into their room. He tosses his bag aside and fall on the bed facing down, burrowing his face into the pillow. He was so frustrated that he just wanted to close his eyes and go to sleep so that he stop thinking about everything. He is so lost in his problems that he did not realize the presence of someone else in the room. He is startled when the lights are turned ON suddenly.

"Why are sitting in the dark?"

Tanet looks at Veera with a blank expression and does not say anything. Veera looks at him and he can see the smile on his face getting replaced by a frown.

Veera: Are you okay? Why are your eyes red? Did you cry?

Tanet: I am okay. I am just upset about something and need some alone time.

Veera: You can talk to me if something is bothering you.

Tanet: I said I want to be alone. Which part of this sentence don't you understand? Please leave me alone or I will go away from here.

Veera: No, you don't have to go anywhere. I will sleep in the guest room.

Veera picks his shorts and tshirt and leaves the room. Tanet lets out a sigh in frustration once Veera leaves the room.
After some time Veera once again comes into the room but does not say anything. He keeps Tanet's dinner on the bedside table and leaves the room. Tanet looks at the food but does not feel like eating. So he just goes to sleep without having his dinner. The next time he awakes up, it's already 8 in the morning. He quickly gets up and goes to the guest room but Veera is not there. He also checks the kitchen and bathroom but he is nowhere near. Then he notices the  plate of food on the table along with a piece of paper on top of it. He quickly unfolds the paper and reads it.

Hi Tanet,

I am going to office and I have left your breakfast on the table. Please reheat and eat it before going to the rehearsals. If something is bothering you, please be assured that I am always there for you. Take care and I will see you later.


Tanet is surprised that Veera is not angry with him. He feels bad for misbehaving with him the previous night. He decides to have a heart to heart talk with him after his rehearsals. He then gets ready, eats his breakfast and leaves for the rehearsals.

Tanet avoids Niran the entire day as he didn't want any confrontation with him . As soon as the rehearsals come to an end, he says his goodbyes and heads towards Veera's office.

At Li Technologies:

Veera looks at himself as he enters the office building. He is wearing his casuals and everyone there seem to be dressed formally. Everyone was staring at him as he enters the building. He goes to the reception and a girl is sitting there busy working on the computer.

Tanet: I would like to meet Mr.Veera Li.

Receptionist: Do you have an appointment?

Tanet: No. Can you please let me know that Tanet wants to meet him.

Receptionist: He is in a personal meeting right now and have asked me not to disturb him. Please take an appointment and come to meet him later.

Tanet: But I....

Receptionist does not even bother to look at him and just concentrates on her job. He decides to leave and talk to Veera at home.


Tanet turns around to find Kla walking towards him with a smile.

Tanet: PKla

Kla: What a pleasant surprise Tanet. I didn't expect to meet you here. Veera didn't say anything about you coming here.

Tanet: He doesn't know that I am here.

Kla: Why are you still standing here? Why didn't you go to his cabin?

Tanet: The receptionist said he is busy and do not want to be disturbed.

Kla: Did she tell him that you are here to meet him?

Tanet: No, she said I don't have an appointment. So...

Kla looks at the receptionist who is busy on her phone.

Kla: Miss Prim

The receptionist literally jumps off her seat on hearing his loud voice.

Prim: Sir

Kla: Did you inform Veera that Mr.Tanet is here to see him?

Prim: Sir, he said not to disturb him as he is in a personal meeting and then he didn't have an appointment with Mr.Veera Li. There are so many people trying to meet Mr.Li by trick. So I

Kla: Does he look like a trickster to you?

The receptionist looks at Tanet and her mouth opens in shock.

Prim: He is the famous singer Tanet Wang. I am sorry sir, I didn't.

Kla: Yes, he is Tanet Wang and next time he comes here to meet Veera, just let him in. Do you get it?

Prim: Yes Sir.

Kla: Come on Tanet. Let me take you to Veera's cabin.

Tanet: Thank you P.

Kla leads the way and Tanet follows him to the lift. They go to the topmost floor where all the higher management staff are seated.

Kla: Please go left and the room at the end of the corridor is Veera's cabin. I have a meeting scheduled, so I cannot come with you.

Tanet: No, its okay. Thank you so much for your help P.

They say their goodbyes and walk in the opposite direction. Tanet reaches Veera's cabin and the door is closed. He knocks on the door but does not get any response. He pushes down the door handle and it opens. As he enters the room, he is stunned by the scene before him. Veera is standing next to his desk hugging a guy around his age.

Veera: I missed you.

Unknown: I missed you too. Thank God you decided to call me after all these years.

Veera: I didn't know how you would react to my confession. So I...

Unknown: Hmm, I understand. Don't worry I am here now.

Tanet stood there listening to their conversation with tears in his eyes.

Tanet(in mind): So, he finally confessed his love and they look happy together. I am happy for him.

Tanet closes the door behind him quietly and wipes his tears. He walks towards the lift without looking back as more tears flow down his eyes.

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