Chapter 24

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Veera is stunned as felt Tanet's lips on his lips. He didn't know how to respond as he never anticipated this move from Tanet He suddenly felt the hold around his neck loosen and the kiss comes to an end abruptly. He looks at Tanet and is shocked to see tears in his eyes.

Tanet: I..I am sorry. I shouldn't have forced myself on you. I thought...

He turns around and starts to walk away from Veera. At that moment Veera realizes that Tanet has mistaken his silence for rejection. He quickly holds his hand and pulls him towards him. Tanet's back hits his chest and he wraps his arms tightly around his waist.

Veera: Don't you dare...don't you dare leave me again.

Veera turns Tanet around so that he is facing him. Tanet's face is covered with tears as he looks at Veera with sad eyes.

Veera: You left me twice and I somehow endured it but if you leave me again, I swear I will not be able to live. I will die...

Tanet covers Veera's mouth with his hand.

Tanet: Please don't say that.

Veera: Why shouldn't I? Every time you come waltzing into my life and then walk away, leaving me devastated. Every time you walk away from me, something inside me dies.

Tanet looks at Veera in shock as it's the first time he saw him this angry. Then he recalled what Veera just said.

Tanet: You said I left you twice but...

Tanet suddenly realizes what Veera meant. He looks at him in shock unable to believe what he just heard.

Tanet: I... I am your first love, the one you never confessed to.

Veera nods his head but does not say anything.

Tanet: Why didn't you say something when I asked you to confess your feelings?

Veera: I was afraid of how you will react to my confession. I didn't want you to think that I married you just because I had feelings for you.

Tanet: You loved me all this time and I was in a relationship with your sister. SHIT.SHIT...SHIT. Why didn't you just confess to me?

Veera: How could I? My sister and you are the two most important person in my life and you fell in love with each other. It was easier to live with the pain of unrequited love than hurt you both.

Tanet: You decided to go abroad because of me?

Veera: Hmm. I was afraid my feelings will be exposed if I meet you again and again. So I tried to avoid you but it became more and more difficult as you became a regular visitor in my house. So I decided to leave to a place where we will not cross paths.

Tanet: Did the distance help you forget me?

Veera: No. I never forgot you. I kept myself busy so that I don't have any spare time to think about you. But there were days when I missed you so much that I wanted to see you so badly. Then I had to remind myself that you are my sister's boyfriend.

Tanet: If you still loved me, why did you say No, when I asked you to marry me?

Veera: I hated the fact that I was just my sister's replacement. I knew you don't love me and the marriage is just a contract. I couldn't bear the thought of losing you after being with you. But then I realized you are thinking of the future of the my dad's company and his workers and I could not say no to you after that.

Tanet: So this marriage was just a contract?

Veera: No. It was my only chance to live my dream of having a happily married life with the love of my life. I took a chance when I asked you if you want to give this marriage a chance. I was so happy when you said yes. But you broke my heart again when you left me without even waiting for my explanation.

Tanet: I..When I came to your office and saw you with that guy, I thought you finally confessed to the guy you love and he accepted it. I knew how much your first love means to you. I love you and never wanted to cause you pain by coming in between you and your first love. I never realized that  I am the lucky one who you love so much.

Veera: The one you saw that was an old school friend. I did something terrible to him and I was just confessing that to him. I never knew that you would hear our conversation and misunderstand it.

Tanet: It was my mistake to not wait for your explanation. None of this would have happened if I wasn't so impulsive.
I am so sorry for hurting you.

Tanet looks down as tears flow down his eyes. Veera walks towards Tanet and gently takes his face in his palms. Tanet raises his head and their eyes lock. Veera gently wiped his tears.

Veera: I forgive you Tanet. But I need you to promise me something.

Tanet: What?

Veera: Promise me that you will never leave me again. Promise me that you will always love me and never leave my side. Promise me that you will always be mine.

Tanet looks at Veera with tear filled eyes and a small smile on his face.  He places a chaste kiss on Veera's lips.

Tanet: I promise.

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