Chapter 151-155

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This time, Han Qianjing had given a death order. They had to find out the person behind Lu Ming.

‘When Xu Wei first received this call, she only had one thought in her mind—could there be something unusual about the person Missy liked?

Previously, her boss did not even care about him. Why did she suddenly get her to investigate again?

Did she discover something? she wondered.

No matter how hard she tried, she could not figure out what was going on. In the end, she gave up in exasperation. Since her boss had said so, she would do as she said.

“Richard, help me investigate Lu Ming.”

She said to the foreign man in the video on her phone. This was a computer expert specially hired by the company’s headquarters to handle shady things for Han Qianjing, such as finding private information about a big shot.
“Lu Ming?”

He spoke fluent Mandarin with a northeastern accent. “I remember that my student checked on him last time, right?”

His student was also working in the headquarters, and his position was not low. Richard would only step in when the student could not find out any information or it was not convenient for him to investigate.

So he was usually quite idle at work.

Xu Wei nodded and said, “We found out a little at that time. Now, Boss needs to know more details. Who is Lu Ming’s backer? What assets does he have? Where did he get the money?”

“alright, no problem. Leave it to me.”

‘As soon as he finished speaking, Richard’s fingers began to dance quickly on the keyboard. The sound of typing was heard rhythmically, and the codes on the computer were written line by line. His brows furrowed tightly from his initial ease to his later frown as he muttered, “What’s going on?”
Xu Wei also sensed that something was wrong and asked, “Is there a problem?”

This can’t be, right? she thought.

Lu Ming was just an ordinary person. To an expert like Richard, investigating information was a simple matter.

“This is too strange. This is really too strange. Darling, who exactly is the big shot that you asked me to investigate? His information has been specially concealed. Only those from royal families would do this, or perhaps those with shady identities.”
Richard had checked many times before, but this was the first time he had encountered such a thorny problem.

A member of the royal family?

Shady identity?

Both seemed to be unrelated to Lu Ming.

‘The last time she saw him, besides his outstanding appearance and ability, she did not have any other impression of him.

“Well, to be honest, before this, I felt that he was just an ordinary person.”

Richard raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled helplessly. “Do you Chinese call this ordinary? I admit that my computer skills are ranked among the top in the world, but I have to admit that the force behind Lu Ming is very powerful.
Do you know how I feel now? These programs are like guards, protecting this person tightly. They’re airtight. Darling, I’m not as powerful as these guards. If we continue investigating, my IP address might be exposed. Let’s ask the boss if she wants to continue.”
Xu Wei said uncertainly, “But aren’t you already amazing enough?”

“You have to understand that there’s always someone better. I’m not invincible.”

He shrugged.

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