"So." His voice made her look at him. She slowly stood up from the couch and grabbed the file.

"What is this?" She said with a shaky voice.

"It's the only way I think will be able to earn your forgiveness. I hurt you right then I am ready to hurt myself and go to any lengths to show you that I really want to repent the pain I gave you." He said taking a step closer to her.

"Sweetheart, if you think something is missing in it you can add it. I am going to hurt myself for six months like I hurt you. You can add any punishment for me if you want or maybe increase the amount of torture I will get." He grabbed the file from her hand and started pointing at the words.

"Like getting beaten up for two hours It can be increased the way you want, or maybe whipping ---" Hazel harshly snatched the file from his hand roughly throwing it on the floor.

"ENOUGH! JUST STOP IT CYRUS!!" Cyrus looked at her with a confused gaze not understanding anything.

Her eyes had tears in them, while disbelief was all over her face. She looked like she wanted to pull at his hair and slap him multiple times to wake him up. But she didn't she just stayed standing there with her clasped hands glaring at him.

"What's the meaning of all of this?" She asked making him frown.

"I thought you want to punish me right? So that's why." Hazel clutched her head in disbelief shaking her head at him. She can't believe he's the same man who is a master at making plans, and taking down his enemies but when it comes to understanding a basic thing he behaves this idiotically.

"When did I say I want to punish you like this? I never wanted this kind of punishment for you Cyrus. To be precise I never wanted to punish you in the first place." Cyrus's shoulders slumped down in stress.

" Fucking hell! Then what do you want me to do? What should I do to earn your forgiveness just what? Look, Hazel." He gently palmed her cheeks making her as usually flinch at his touch but she didn't push him away just stared into his desperate gaze.

"I will go and take this punishment for six things ok? I will go and return to you. I promise you I will become a better man and I will show you how deserving I am of you." Hazel shook her head.

" Remember Cyrus I once told you there are two ways for everything. The easy way or a hard way." His hands slowly started dropping from her cheeks.

"When there is the easy way then why are you choosing this hard way? You can earn my forgiveness and you already know how!" She said making him drop his head down in defeat.

He knew what way she was emphasizing. Let her go. And that's the only thing he can't do. It's not like he didn't try to convince himself that she deserves to be free from him. He did. He tried to think of freeing her many times but each time he ends up giving up the thought.

Her leaving him scares him. After all the years of surviving alone in this world, he finally found someone for whom he just didn't want to survive but live. He wanted to live for her, to live with her. She's an angel who accidentally fell into the den of a devil.

And this devil even after all his tries couldn't get himself to free this angel. Chuckling lowly he shook his head before again looking into her sad eyes.

"Why is everything that's hard for me so easy for you hmm?" Hazel didn't say anything just stared at him.

"I just want one chance, Hazel. Just one." He said staring into her misty gaze.

"Wish it was that easy." Cyrus knew the double meaning behind her words.

He nodded his head and without saying anything he turned around and left the mansion. Creed told him that everything was ready but Cyrus canceled the punishment. He was doing everything just to make his wife happy. But none of his tries worked on her. Not even a bit.

The whole night he stayed in one of his private clubs drinking and knocking his senses out. All he could think about was how she was determined to not accept him. It was obvious she wouldn't fight him anymore. She will stay with him but he doesn't want her just to stay with him.

Over the past many months, he has realized one thing he doesn't want to survive with her he wanted to live with her. He wanted to spend his whole life being with her. And this will be enough for him. But he knew this wouldn't be enough for her. He might live but she's just surviving with him because she knows she can't leave him.

He wants her to accept him but now it seems impossible.

The next day he stayed laying on the bed of his private room in the club staring at the ceiling. Last night he thought about this matter a lot and in the end, he couldn't get the slightest idea of what to do.

After thinking about it the whole night. He decided something. He knew it will be hard for him and she might refuse him but this is the only way he could be able to get the courage to do something she wants.

Getting off the bed he took a fresh shower and changed his clothes. First, he went to the company to clear up his business and at night time he again went back to the mansion to meet her.

Hazel was in the room sitting idly when Cyrus entered the room. She was surprised to see him there after all their last encounter wasn't a pleasant one. He removed his coat and shirt leaving himself half naked.

Hazel clutched the blanket tightly that was covering her legs when he made his way towards her. Is he going to touch her again? For the past many months, he hasn't touched her even a bit. Is he going to become what he used to be?

The dread seeped into her veins when he took a seat beside her on the bed. He didn't look in her way and he had already sensed her tensed muscles.

"Relax I wouldn't do anything." She flinched hearing his raspy voice and finally relaxed a bit. She has accepted one thing about this man all along. He always does what he says.

"I will do anything you will ask me Hazel anything but." His sudden voice made her look at him. He slowly turned his head to her pausing a bit.

"I will do anything you want but I want one thing in return." She didn't say anything.

"One month. Just for one month accept me as your husband. Show me what you would have done if you were willing to be my wife. Just for one month, I want to see how it feels to be a man you will accept." Hazel's breathing paused in the middle when she heard him.

Willingly accept him as her husband? Accepting him as her husband doesn't only includes taking care of him like a wife. There is also something like being intimate with your spouse with your consent and only the thought of giving him consent makes her sick.

"I know what you're thinking." He once again caught her attention.

"I don't want your body, Hazel. I will not touch you without your consent anymore. I just want to feel the care of a wife that's all." He mumbled staring at her with hopeful eyes.

" Anything?" She finally mumbled and he bobbed his head assuring her.

She knew he will never let her go. That demand was out of the question. No matter how much she tries he wouldn't free her then if he's really ready to give her everything then will he accept her this demand?

Cyrus attentively stared at her waiting for her to say something. And finally, she opened her mouth only to drop a bomb on him.

"I will accept being your wife for a month only if you will get help. I want you to take professional help."


Next will be updated soon. Don't forget to like and comment.

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