3rd trip to the park!

Start from the beginning

"mama! Push me!"

You join Akio and lift him up to the swings.
You slowly push Akio and hear Akio giggles and squeals as he got higher.

You were honestly scared of how kids would treat Akio, bullying about a missing parental figure isn't uncommon. Especially when the supervisors aren't looking it's hard to stop it. You couldn't imagine Akio in that situation but it's better to help Akio out before going to daycare.

Akio and you were walking down the path to the tables to eat the lunch you packed. On the way, a pole with an advertisement catches your eye. Or should you say Akio's.

"Ma! Look! Big ride!"

You knew what Akio was trying to muster up, the roller coasters displayed on the add. The amusement park was opening its biggest ride and showing its kid's section. You felt sorta bad, the time and the money to go to an amusement park that far with a ride back home would be hard. It's not like your pay wasn't good.

It was just that daycare, food, rent, bills, and basic needs are first. Akio's happiness is important but you just weren't sure if you have the money for it.

All of a sudden your train of thought crashes, looking down to see Akio looking at a runner not far from the path. He had a full runner's outfit with a hood on.

You were about to tell Akio to move aside for the runner till Akio turned into the runner.

Akio sprinted the fast as his short legs could to the running stranger.

You called out running after Akio.

The runner stopped and you were about to grab Akio from his arms to stop him until you heard him say something under his breath.



"Oh hey, little dude! Akio!"

The runner takes off his hood, revealing the pro hero himself, with his hair flat and in a low ponytail.

Of course, he gave his cute smile to you while lifting Akio up into his arms.

"It's funny, no one really recognizes me that much, especially when I have a hood on."

You chuckled looking at Akio, "Akio's just a huge fan, he would always find his number one Red Riot!" You turned to look at Akio, "isn't that right my love."

Kirishima blushed and knelt down to Akio's height to hug him.
Akio giggled and openly did the same.

"so what are you doing here?"

'What a stupid question Y/n...'

"oh! I'm just taking a stroll, today I'm taking a day off and I just wanted to go out for a run, you know, hahaha."

It was cute, you thought it was cute.

"So no work today? Huh..."
You mentioned trying to spark up a question as Akio was trying to pull his hero across the path way. Akio over exaggerating his hero's jogging movement. Both of you just follow Akio leading the way.

"I usually don't get noticed without my uniform and my spiky hair so I run here usually, I see dogs and sometimes cats. Last time I saw a cat and she climbed on top of my shoulders pftt."

You smiled to that picturing a orange cat on top of the hero's shoulders, you giggle it out and caught eye contact with Kirishima. He had sweet eyes, it was hard to explain but they were pleasant to look at.

Then realizing what you were doing you looked at Akio sining a beat. It was a song from your childhood and it went to Akio. You smiled as you slowly snuck up behind him and grabbed him by the waist, seining him up to your hip. A giggling and laughing Akio. He gave you a kiss on the check. You heard an ice cream truck and got ready for Akios pleads for ice cream.

Before you could even say anything Kirishima went in, "hey, Akio, you hear that? You wanna get a great Akio?"

You saw Kirishima looking down hunching a little to see Akio in your arms.

It feels so different

"Yes! Yes yes please! Half white and chocolate!"

Akio was easing his arms in the air cheering for his treat.

While walking to the sand park you saw the truck about to leave as the driver was leaking his head out.

Kirishima ran, you didn't even notice but he ran and saw that the driver was even shocked.

You jogged up to the truck and saw a small size cone for Akio and 1 soft Served ice cream in a pretty big cup. The truck driver was already closing the window and left to the front turning the lights back on.

Kirishima approaches you two and hands over the small child his small cone, you already put him down from your arms so your arms were free to receive the cup of soft served.

Akio was jumping happy with his little treat.

"Thank you so much, how much do I owe you?" You questioned reaching for your bag, a hand stopped you and you looked up.

"It's okay really, Akio is happy and I give his pretty mother a treat for herself."

You felt a slight tingle from that comment.

"Oh at least have some, you did pay for it after all." You offered lifting the cup closer to him with the spoon.

He smiles and takes it and you felt like you took a photo in your head.


After you finished you noticed the time and knew it was nap time for him soon.

"Oh the time says we have to go, I don't want to go home when it's dark."

Kirishima nodded and Akio waved by to him, before you could even say your bye Kirishima stopped you.

"Let me take you guys home, I don't feel well thinking of the idea of you having to walk past here."

"Oh it's okay really!" Before you could start going Akio shakes his head.

"Please please come! Home home!"

The desperation from Akio for his favourite hero to come with them home made you laugh.

"Please allow me, I really don't like the idea of you walking alone."

You agreed, and said your pre thanks as Kirishima took Akio in his bigger arms playing with Akio on the walk leaving the park.



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