CHP2: A Battleships Promise

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"Stop! ...m....t...!" somebody yelled, but it was all too late as her body was engulfed in darkness.

"Rahh!" she almost forgot the thing that made her do this. An abyssal battleship but this wasn't a Re class but a different kind never seen before. Most likely due to the crimson waters.

Said abyssal was sinking in the darkness until it disappeared from view.

'I hope Mutsuki and Kisaragi are okay' she thought as she slowly sunk deeper and deeper into the void.

A loud cracking sound was heard as the Kanmsu's main turrets ripped themselves off of her riggings.

Small explosions could be seen as her rigging was torn apart due to the immense amount of pressure and drifting upwards instead of downwards. Why? Because that area was not an ocean or made out of water, it was an inky blackness with a shaft of light piercing from her world, from her ocean.

Tears broke through as they made a small trail as she continued to sink to her demise.

'I really am failure, I couldn't even protect them as their flagship'

Flashback ish (-//-) edit (it's long)

"AHHH!" Mutsuki screamed as she was hit by abyssal shells.

"Mutsuki!" I yelled but a wave of nausea rolled over, almost making me collapse, "Dammit, I can't, have to save her!"

Somehow I managed to get up and shove Mutsuki to the side taking the brunt off the shells, damaging me and knocking out most of my AA

Mutsuki saw this and tried to help but I told her

"I'm alright Mutsuki, you 2 have to get out of here" it was true we were getting surrounded while being pushed towards the black pillar. 

'There too strong' she thought as a throb of pain erupted from her shoulders most likely from the shells.

"I'll create an opening then you and Kisaragi can go through it. There you can get those other abyssals to follow you out"

"But, you can barely fight ,me and Kisaragi will stay with you" Mutsuki said trying to plead with you but you didn't want that.

"Don't worry I'll be fine" I said trying to stand up but ended up keeling over "F..Fubuki cares about you two a lot and it's my duty as flagship to see that my friends aren't hurt. Plus I won't lose to these small fry, that's a promise" I said finally managing to stand up while managing a small smile.

"Really?" Mutsuki asked.

"Yeah, a battleships promise. I promise to not lose to these abyssals and to come back safely" I said.

Mutsuki seemed convinced with that and joined up with Kisaragi.

"Then I bid you guys farewell" I said before firing all main guns, the explosion made left a hole in the abyssal fleet that Mutsuki and Kisaragi used to get away.

Just as they disappeared from her sight did she the whistle of an incoming shell.

'Dammit!' she thought as she tried to evade some of the shells but some found their mark and penetrated some of her hull armour  damaging her shoulder.

Wounded and disoriented from the shells exploding, she didn't have time to react when someone spoke but not in the language your familiar with

"So this is the great battleship we've been hearing" the ship girl turned around just to see a battleship princess and its monster abyssal ship, before begin smashed to water by the big abyssals hand (NOTE: Yamato does not understand what the princesses are saying but she can hear her name when they say it)

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