Chapter 9 part 2: When Limits are Broken

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Well, it's been a hot few months since I last updated this book 3 months ago well better late than never right?

Anyway, Forgive me for the delay life has been a sore in my everything but I still manage to find time to update this book all because of you guys, so you know the drill.

Votes and comments are appreciated, make sure to tell me what you think about the chapter, and if there are any problems or ideas you're free to comment.

Also, this chapter is a normal 6k on so get your snacks as this chapter is filled with nothing but action so have a good read.

More notes at the end.

Location: Midway

War never changes.

No matter the era, no matter the race.

War will always test people, nations even worlds until they break.

For Yamato, the same happened in front of her very eyes. Tears started to trickle down her cheeks as her eyes took in the sight of her bridge crew.

All but empty gazes stared into the air, their colour gone as they lay there on the charred and broken floor dead. Their blood oozed out of their bodies creating a puddle.

Yamato felt her chest grow tighter and tighter as her heart was slowing down, she couldn't take the sight before her. Her mind remembered every time they interacted, the smiles they gave, the jokes and the look of wanting to not fail her as her crew.

All these memories and her present emotions made it a perfect moment as her eyes changed to a blood-red colour. The emotions within her were being consumed leaving her empty as her pupils dilated, her will to continue already snuffed out.

Her once chocolate brown hair was slowly bleached snow white as her once colourful skin turned to a white colour.

A few more tears escaped her eyes before they all but stopped. She stood there unmoving as her clothes were engulfed in a bright red fire as they changed as well to a white and black version of her original clothes. A small smile formed on her face that slowly grew.

Even as loud booms echoed outside as the other battleships were fighting valiantly against their foes only for some of them to notice that the Yamato had all but stopped firing. This made them confused but they already had an enemy that outnumbered them making their focus shift to them.

The abyssal queen also stared confused at the silent battleship, her source of entertainment gone. After a few seconds, she gave up waiting for it as her canons fixed onto the battleship which was nothing but a sitting duck.

"Goodbye, Yamato" the abyssal muttered as her canons fired, making the water ripple from the shockwave they generated.

For her to say goodbye to a foe was rare for her to do as she would only commend those who fought and gave a somewhat difficult time.

She watched her shells arc and drop down onto the ship exploding into a giant fireball that seemed to engulf the entire ship. It seemed like her shells hit the magazine and citadel as those were the only things that could have made that kind of explosion.

The rest of the ship girls there couldn't help but stare in horror as a pressure wave slammed into their ships. Morale at this point was at an all-time low as their only ship able to battle powerful abyssals had just sunk or did it.

On board the battleship Kongou, the crew was still in shock from what their seeing as one of the lookouts looked desperately at the expanding explosion, her heart silently pleading that the ship survived. For a few seconds, she looked at the dissolving smoke with sadness as more shells landed around them until the lookout saw something slowly come out of the smoke.

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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