Chapter 1 part 2

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Change of scene main carrier group Akagi sometime earlier

"Akagi above you!" Kaga yelled.

Akagi looked up and only had enough time to shield her face with the deck of her rigging that was strapped to her right arm as bullets pelted her runway but did not harm her.

"Were are those escorts, Akagi!" Hiei asked while firing her guns trying to destroy the enemy force.

"They should have been here by now!" Akagi shouted as her AA fired contiuosly while her remaining fighter pilots did their best to clear the enemy aircraft but there were just too overwhelmed.

"On our 3 O'clock, an enemy fleet" Yuudachi said.

Over four abyssal destroyer one heavy cruiser and a torpedo cruiser fired their main guns at their fleet. Their shells travelled through the air as they soon found their marks.

Akagi could only watch as scores of hits found their mark injuring the carriers and destroyers plus battleships.

'Why? This was the one thing I tried to avoid'

"Akagi, above you" Yuudachi yelled.

Akagi looked up 'Maybe you can't beat fate after all' she thought grimly as an abyssal fighter lined up to deliver its bomb but multiple large and small AA fire smacked into the fighter blowing it to bits and pieces as Akagi could only look at her saviour with surpise

'Fubuki' she thought.

 "Akagi, are you alright " Fubuki said as she begun to blow up abyssal fighters.

"I'm okay" Akagi replied. 'Were is the main force they should be here'

Just as Akagi finished that thought, a massive boom could be heard as almost all abyssal aircraft were blown out of the sky by shells.

Before anyone could question were those shells came from another massive boom could be heard this time coming from the island where the air field hime was damaging her.

(I'll say hime short for airfiled hime)

The hime searched the waters for where the shot come from but saw that none of them came from the fleet nearby.

It scanned the sky until it found a single plane soaring above the clouds. Rage built up inside of her as she deployed more fighters to deal with the fighters and this lone scout.

*With the fairy*

The fairy looked as the shells only missed but did some damage. In its mind it thought that that was a straddled and gave back better angles to fire at.

It did that until it saw something in the clouds below it, looking closer it was terrified to find to find enemy fighters close to gun range.

The plane immediately pitched down to gain speed and to make it harder for the enemy to turn and follow it.

However a new batch of enemy fighters rolled ,literally, of the runway as they began to chase the recon plane.

Pushing the type 0 to its limit the plane sharply turned and aimed itself at the hime going to do a kamikaze run.

The hime not expecting this tried to dodge but it was too slow.

At the last moment the fairy pulled at his stick back hard sending the plane into a steep climb while his chasers crashed into the hime exploding.

As it climbed towards the left of the island it saw something.

The plane twisted out of the climb as it levelled off and begun to take note of the enemy carrier force that had three wo class it directed the information about what the carrier group consists off and what their speed is but unknowingly it had guided itself into a trap.

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