Chapter 8: You Messed with The Wrong Country

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Back with another chapter.

We're in the final chapters to go before the season finale will take place. I think that I have some chapters left in story line left. Chapters from now will be long so be prepared as it starts now.

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This chapter doesn't have any abyssal vs ship girl fights. It's mainly building up the action that will be in next chapter so it may be boring maybe.

Location Tokyo: Emergency meeting around 10 am

"The damage caused by the attack is in the billions, loss of life is at 1,000 with many more injured. Other countries have already sent their apologies with the humanitarian agencies offering support."

The man reporting on the disaster that happened a few hours ago, sighed before removing his glasses and looking at the other end of the oval table.

"Prime minister, this act of aggression cannot be looked over, the citizens are already asking for retribution for this attack and with the citizens demanding for action we cannot sit back, we have to have to hold a news conference soon to address the citizens. *pauses* What should we do, prime minister"

The heads of ministries all looked at their head as silence filled the air. The prime minister himself was having his head bowed, casting a dark shadow across his face as the silence continued.

"Our country, like a blade, is dull. We have lost our mastery to do things better, to improve on our mistakes and now we're facing the consequences. For too long we've been holding back our potential to rise to greatness."

The primes, head was now up, his eyes filled with determination.

"We need to refocus and find ourselves again. We need to give the navy full support. The abyssals have attacked our peaceful country and awakened a demon. We will show them that they messed with the wrong country!"

He now looked at the minister of defence and asked, "In what ways can we support the navy?"

The minister of defence thought for moment before standing up, his dark eyes looking at everyone present.

"The support we can give them is in more resources, however, the ship girls who came here were part of a research project that can help the ship girls to push the abyssals out for good. The project had found a new mineral called, cosmonite that reacts with ship girls and enhances them. If we can mass produce this cosmonite, then there is hope for us to push the abyssal."

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