"Are you with your passport?"

"Passport?" I returned his question with a deep frown.

"Of course, passport. You need a passport to travel, son. Where is your mind?"

It's only then I realized what he meant. Damnit! I left my passport behind and here I am thinking of traveling out of the country. Until now I didn't have it in mind that I'll travel out of Madrid.

"You don't need to travel, Fernando. I know is all my fault I told your mom about your divorce...."

"So, it was you all along?!" I exclaimed cutting him off mid-sentence. "Here I was thinking my brother Suarez let the cat out of the bag not knowing you did it without my permission!"

"I'm sorry, I just had to let your mom know because she deserves to know the truth. The poor woman was so excited about your marriage to Micaela that she couldn't stop talking about it on phone and everywhere else".

"That shouldn't have driven you into telling her of my divorce, damnit! Now, look at how things turn around for bad. My mom is taking side with that woman instead of me her son!"

"What do you mean?"

"My mom believes Micaela is innocent of the crime she committed!"

I heard him heave a sigh. "Even though you didn't trust me enough to have told me what she did, your brother told me" he stated and my gaze narrowed to him. "And do you want to know the truth?" he added.

"What?" I demanded.

"I think I share your mother's view of that young woman. I don't think she's capable of what you are accusing her of" he replied.

I furrowed and doubts beset me. I raised a brow at him and snorted in disbelief.

"Even you? Wow, this is quite interesting!"

You've got to be kidding me now, my whole family is turning their back against me because of one woman.

"I don't know what happened years ago but I think you should just let go of the past and enjoy the present, son".

"Of course, it's easy to say, isn't it?" I responded and silence was all I got from him.

"You know what? This conversation is over, in fact, I don't need your services anymore. I want to be alone. Do me a favor and get a cab that will take you home or never mind, you can take the car to wherever you want to. I'll take a cab to somewhere I can have my peace because I don't want to go back to that house".

"If you still want to travel, I can help you get your passport while you wait for me at the airport" he suggested.

"Ha! So that you can betray me again, isn't it? Do you want to use that opportunity to tell my mom I'm traveling so she can come with you to the airport to persuade me not to go? You can't fool me, Sir Pedro, I've got everything figured out".

"You are wrong this time around, I wouldn't do that to you".

"And you want me to believe that? Enough of all these long talks, just stop the car so I can find my way from here" I insisted and he slow down the car and pulled over.

My phone ringtone came alive causing me to groan. Whoever is calling chooses the wrong time to do that because I'm not in the mood to pick up anyone's calls.

"You should pick up your call maybe it's a very urgent call".

"That's not your business, it's my phone and I have the right to pick up or leave it to ring for eternity!" I snapped at him and he became mute.

His phone began ringing and he squint at me before he grabbed the phone and placed it on his ear, "Pedro speaking" he answered and waited for a response on the other end. "Hi Araceli, is there a problem?"

That's my hotel manager, Araceli, the same lady I'm planning on firing soon. Why is she calling Pedro?

"Yes, he is with me, hold on I'll give him the phone now" he glances up at me and extended the phone to me.

"What is it? What does that lady want?" I ask scowling at the phone in his hand.

"She said the press is surrounding the front of the company for almost 30 minutes now that she needs to speak with you".

"The press? Why will the press be at my company at this hour of the day? I'm no president or governor, so what are they possibly looking for?"

"Speak with her and find out what they want" he suggested and I snatched the phone from his hand and placed it on my ear.

"It's me, Fernando, what do you say is happening at the company?"

"Boss, we've got the press at the hotel premises waiting to speak with you" she answered. From her voice, I could tell she was in a panic.

"Over what? What do they say I did wrong or right that requires them to interrogate me like some celebrity or president?"

"I don't know Sir. All I know is they are here to see you and I've tried to discharge them from here but they don't want to leave. You know you are a top billionaire, so situations with paparazzi happen sometimes".

"Stop talking nonsense and go ahead and ask them what exactly they want from me".

"Right away boss" she answered and placed the call on hold.

My father and I stared at each other in silence. I know he is as desperate to know the reason behind the sudden appearance of the press at my company just as I am. A few minutes later the call was retrieved. "So, what do they say they want from me?"

"Sir, I wished I had not asked, you are not going to like this" she replied and I furrowed confusedly at my father.

"What rubbish are you saying, Araceli? I'm not here to have a long conversation with you, so cut to the chase already".

"It's about your divorce. According to them, they said you divorced your wife a week ago and they'll like to know what happened. Is it true you are no longer married to that beautiful woman I'm so envious of?"

Time froze and a somber and breathless calm hung over the car. I glance at my father and his eyes were begging for an explanation. I just can't believe it.

*slide for the next interesting episode.*

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