'It's fine, come let me show you around for a bit',

She let him show her different places in the house then he went to freshen up for the night.

She noticed some pictures were missing but the few he had showed the beautiful life he had with Love before alcohol was made his lord.

Snickering at her thoughts she turned when he came out to the living room with a blanket for the night.

'The room is pretty warm but I laid out a blanket for you and the candles should burn till the early hours of the morning'

'That's fine, thank you and good night'

'Good night Julie'


She woke up feeling thoroughly relaxed. She couldn't pin point why but she wanted to remain like this forever.

Stretching, her hand met warmth. Not warmth from a blanket, but warmth from a body. The person seemed to be soundly asleep.

Horror filled her heart, what had she done?!!!!

Memories from the previous night came rushing back.

How she'd let him convince her to stay, the rain, the tour. Her coming down thinking he was asleep for a glass of water but found him drinking his life a way.

How she felt so bad for him at the moment and chose to sit a while with him. She'd promised herself she'd get the bottle away from him, that it'd only be for a minute to ensure he was okay.

She didn't know why she hugged him. It wasn't the first time but she did anyway. Somehow they started kissing and she lost all sense of reasoning!!!

What have I done?!!!

He was drunk, not her. Without thinking she scrambled out of the bed which turned out to be a couch.

The more she thought the more her head hurt.

She couldn't bring herself to wear her clothes so she rushed to the nearest room, opened a closet and found a sweat shirt. Pulling it over it dropped to her mid thigh.

Figuring people wore worse and thankful that it wasn't full day light yet, she left the house and didn't stop till she was behind her house door and the door firmly shut.

Then she gave in to tears.

What have I done?


'Hey, calm down. We'll figure it out', Lola had called Sandy when Jules wasn't saying anything.

Two weeks ago she'd come home from wherever and had locked herself in her room. All efforts to get her to come out was futile, so she called her sister who flew out to meet her.

The moment she knocked and said Jules it's me, the door opened and Jules threw herself into her arms and wept.

Now she was trying to settle her down so as to know how to help.

'Use your words Jules, I can't help if I don't know what is wrong',

'I had sex..', she was trembling.

'Okay, calm down. Is that what this is about?', she asked her gently. Praying to God that she wasn't raped or pressured into it.

Hollywood was a tough place for anybody, especially a young Christian girl like Jules.

'No that's not it, that's not it!', she starting crying again.

'Shhhh, just get it all out. Okay? Say whatever it is so I know how to help you...',

'You can't help me nobody can!',

'Now don't say that just yet, tell me and together we'll make it better', she held on to her till she was considerably calm.

'I had sex with a married man'.

Sandra composed herself. Her sister needed her understanding and a way to make this right even if she didn't have the slightest clue how. She definitely did not expect this, or anything when she was called. Taking a deep breath she hugged her closer.

Hearing her mumble I'm sorry over and over again broke her heart.

Of all her siblings Juliet was the most stubborn and independent one. It was heart wrenching to see her beat herself up over a mistake. And she too cried for her.

'Its alright, we'll figure this out',

'No we won't. Mum will kill me, dad will probably disown me and now they might just end up getting divorced because of me!',the last statement didn't go down well with her.

'Now listen here and listen good', Sandra pushed her to be able to look her in the eye while she spoke to her.

'That couple's marriage destruction is not your fault. If they want to divorce, no matter the reason it's their choice. Not because of you. Yes the wife might be mad at you, heck even the husband. But you don't go wallowing in self loathing and self pity! Especially if it is who i think it is. Come here', she pulled back into a hug.

She didn't know how but she was going to protect her sister, even from her parents should the need arise. Though she was very certain that that won't be necessary.

Mum will pull through, and so would dad. But this wasn't her story to tell.

'Pack your bags and lets go home. James and Shelby are having their anniversary celebration, you could use the distraction. And if and only if you feel like it, you can talk to someone about it.

Come on, up you go. Take a bath and meet me downstairs. Good thing one of the jets is in the airport'.

She picked up her phone and called her driver to make reservations for them at a hotel while Jules tried to put herself together.



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A Soul's stir: Candenza ||Completed||✓On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara