chapter twenty two

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She was getting more tired easily and she had barely began her third trimester.

Mum and Dad had settled that she'd stay with Mama Becs for the rest of her pregnancy and if she changed her mind she was totally free to come home.

Today was Ian and Theo's wedding. She was meant to be in her dress but for some reason her vision was getting blurred by the minute, not to mention the headache that was pounding away.

She needed to find Aunt Moira very soon. Her greatest fear was passing out right now and hurting the baby.

"Yes yes, place those on the isle or you'll have Theo to deal with after the wedding', the voice was moving towards her direction. She would have wept in relief if she had the strength.

Aunt Flora was coming towards her.

'Oh dear Lord! Julie are you okay?. Dumb question, sit sit. Let me get Moira, oh there's Preston. Preston! hurry, she seems to be losing consciousness', her frantic voice was gradually fading into the background.

'Keep those pretty eyes open darling, that's it', she tried to do what he said but her head was banging.

She felt a needle prick and focused on Uncle Preston's voice.

'Now look at me darling, there you go. Your Aunt is here with some pills, we should have this under control within the hour. That's it, swallow- no don't spit it out', finally she swallowed the weird tasting pills and she was finally allowed to sleep.

The next time she opened her eyes the headache was practically gone and she felt more humane.

A quick glance at the clock showed her that she had slept through the wedding.

Turning her head she saw her mum seated on a seat lost in thought.


'Oh darling you're awake! How are you feeling? Preston said you should be fine when you woke up but we should take you to see your doctor later',

'Mum i'm fine. I just felt dizzy and it progressed from there. And everyone was busy with the wedding--'

'Don't ever think that way, you're taking care of two human beings. Nothing else counts when it comes to your well being or the well being of this child',

You don't understand! she screamed in her mind.

This was her mess!

This was her mistake!

All her!

Why would her family be dragged into it? If suffering was her penance then suffer should would, she didn't need anybody shairng in that with her.

The door opened to reveal Mama Becs, she smiled at Nora before asking for a moment with Jules.

'Good evening Mama', she muttered as she suddenly felt tired and drained.

'Evening child, you look better. Hungry?',

'No Mama', she loved how Mama Becs would always say a few words and be able to communicate love, understanding and care. Though she deserved none of it, but it was nice knowing that someone could love so effortlessly like that.

So do I

She had been ignoring that voice for months now, she didn't need any babying. She would carry this cross to the bitter end.

'I have a question for you baby, do you think you'll be up to humoring this old lady?'

'Of course Mama', she sat up and was rewarded with a dazzling smile from Mama Becs.

A Soul's stir: Candenza ||Completed||✓Where stories live. Discover now