Chapter two

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High school was finally over, and the day just got better as she received her acceptance letter from Paris Marais Dance School. This was indeed  dream come through.

Though she wasn't sure the family tradition of attending every child's Milestone would be observed for her graduation as everyone was super busy, she was grateful they did.

Even Mama Ora! And she saw them while she was on stage getting her diploma. They cheered her so loud that she had to turn and acknowledge them.

Her relationship with Sandy had improved greatly over the years.
How they both of them became friends was a mystery, but it did happen.

After all every girl needed a big sister to confide in and get out of trouble with their parents.

And Sandy had really pulled through for her so many times, even when she was sure mum would kill.

Not to forget the free holidays she had to travel to be with her elder sister, something along the lines of being supportive yada yada but it worked and she found herself on campus with her sister and she also got to join some dance camps which she totally learnt a lot from.

So we're here after I pulled off my graduation gear I was staring at my new life in Paris. The city of love!

'Oh you're gonna have so much fun with the beaus and no parents to breathe down your back! I wish my college days would be as fun as your dance school. In Paris!!', she said as she hugged Jules. Who was laughing.

Quickly changing into my sleeping shorts and tank top. She ran to her parents room and entered when they beckoned me in.

She wasted no time and threw myself at dad who was lying in the bed.

'Daddy daddy look! i got in!',

'What? where?', he tried to see the paper Jules was waving like a lunatic in his face. When he finally read the words he smiled so big that Jules was very certain that she wanted to keep that smile on his face.

'Mi cielo come and see she got in', he beckoned on mum who was sitting at her dresser and watching the whole thing.

(mi cielo-my darling),

'Well done baby. You've finally got it, and don't you sweat it. You'll do marvellously well as always. And you'll be the prettiest of them all!',

Growing up, whenever she lost her mojo mum would come scoop her right off the dance floor and say 'who's the prettiest of them all?'.

Most parents found it infuriating, but that never stopped her. Even now she still knew I was freaking out low-key on the inside.

'Thanks mum. Now I can use the opportunity to brush up on my French as well. By the time I'll be home I'll be the prettiest, savviest and coolest tri-lingual dancer in the whole wide world!!!'

Mehn I'll even come home a woman!!!',

She grinned at her mum who hugged her in response.

Her kids were growing up on her and she couldn't stop it.

If only Jules knew how true her words would be.


'For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.Acts chapter 17 verses 28.

True Christianity is living in the Name of Jesus. The very thought of this is so awe-inspiring. Colossians 3:17 says and whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord'.

'Doing all things in His Name means living in His Name. That's the key to a supernatural life.

That means you're living for Him, in His authority. Therefore, defeat, failure and darkness can't be a part of your life. Life for you is glory only; upward and forward, because the Name of Jesus is named upon you',

Amen's were heard in the room.

'His Name represents His authority and His character. Which is our topic for today's service, living in His authority.

The Father gave Jesus a Name that's above every name and set Him far above all things for the benefit of the Church. Ephesians 1:22-23 says God hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, Which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all.

The Church is His body, and since all things have been placed beneath His feet, Satan is under your feet! Failure, sickness, poverty and death are all under your feet. Everything in life is subject to you because you're seated with Christ in heavenly places.

Let's take these two scriptures before we round of the service.

Philippians 2:9-11.Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of [things] in heaven, and [things] in earth, and [things] under the earth; And [that] every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ [is] Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

'Did you get that?', he asked.

A couple of yea, sure went round.

Finally Mark 16:17-18 which says; and these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover

Can I get an amen?


Let's bow our heads in prayer. Dear Father, I rejoice in Jesus Christ, knowing that He's Lord of all. I'm victorious and dominate circumstances because I live in His Name and in His authority. Hallelujah!

Thank you everyone, and God bless you!',

Her last service before she moved to Paris. Whether it would be a permanent move or a temporary one was yet to be seen.

The message was something to think on, living in Christ's authority.

She stretched as she thought on the message, then she was called upon to present her dance in the main church.

This was her way of saying thank you to God for all He had been doing for her. So she let the music guide her steps as she did her rendition of Psalm 121.

She gave it her all as she danced with a fervency that she hadn't felt in a while.

By the time she was done, she got a standing ovation and she spotted her mum dabbing tears from her eyes.

Later that evening as she watched her presentation, she felt it . As a confirmation, what she was going to do with her life.

She wasn't just going to be another dancer, neither was she just going to be another dancer instructor. She was going to give her all to the Lord.

She was going to minister to people with dance. She too was blessed watching the way the song came alive.


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