Chapter eight

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'Alright class, that'll be all for today. Don't forget to turn in your essays, both on my mail and a hardcopy by tomorrow. I want zero excuses. A'urevior!',

Rolling her eyes she too stood up to leave the class.

This was one of the classes she didn't like as they always, always had a paper to submit. Well, good thing she never dropped her character of doing an assignment once given. So she was ready to submit hers.

Walking out of the faculty building, she saw Lola. She hadn't seen her in a while, which immediately made her feel bad so she hurried to say hi.

'Boo!', she yelled once she was within hearing distance and Lola jumped a mile high making Jules laugh.

'I'm so sorry, I couldn't resist' she laughed.

'Very funny!', Lola said with a pout.

'Come on darling, you know I've missed you right? Where is Gabriel?',

'Right there though he is supposed to be buying some ice cream', Lola said pointing to where Gabriel was soaking up the attention showered by some girls.

'Yea, let's ditch him', Jules said to which Lola agreed and they left with his car.

Stupid boy left his keys in the ignition.

As they zoomed by he yelled 'hey!',

Jules rolled her eyes and nodded to Lola who slowed down the car and reversed it to shorten the distance between them.

'How exactly did you girls plan on getting me home?', he asked

'Did such a plan exist Lols?

'I totally do not recall such a thing"

'Wait you would have left me? With them?',

'Duh', Lola responded with extra hostility. Even Gabriel missed it, so her suspicion was right. Lola liked this idiot.

'Yes that was actually the plan, but you see my good gooood christian heart won in the end', Jules said. Eyes fixed on her phone.

Her hostel was first so she was dropped off and they agreed to meet up for bible study later that day.

Her pastor had once told them that if you couldn't fellowship with your friends, then you didn't have friends.

Thankfully she was already doing something of the nature with Lola so getting Gabriel to tag along was no biggie. And tonight Gabriel chose to discuss King Solomon. He couldn't believe the man had three hundred wives and seven hundred concubines.

His exact words being 'now you're saying something I can relate to. #goals!'

She really needed to set that boy's head straight.

Two years into college she received a mail from her dance school inviting her to play a lead dance role in a movie.

Her last gig was just before college and she was very skeptical about it.

Naturally she called her mother who after much consideration told her to go for it.

At the start she moved her lectures to online but soon saw that it wasn't going to work out, so she had to defer her admission and focus on the movie.

The set trainer Duke put her through some grueling workout and she was whipped into shape.

With the money she made from that movie and others that followed she was able to buy her own house there in Paris and Gabriel somehow was on her couch, again.

'Dude go home', she said in greeting as she walked by him.

'Nope, your house is more fun plus I don't have to deal with annoying siblings here',

'And Lola?',

'Went home for the holiday',

'Then come be useful. See if you can break down this routine', she passed a tab to him as she excused herself to go freshen up.

'I'm too tired', he whined but stood up to have a look at the fast paced dance.

Rolling his eyes he uploaded the video to his video editor and slowed it down till he could actually see their feets move.

'Done, now which room is mine?'he asked as she emerged from her room.

'As long as it's away from me you can have it. On the first floor of course',

'Whatever, bye!' he went to search for a room while Jules tried to stay awake long enough to finish her dinner.


Walking to the dancers' room on set she laid eyes on Mr Louis.

She sighed internally when he looked up and saw her.

'Ah, ma cherie! Fancy seeing you here', he said in form of greeting. She didn't bother hiding from him when she spotted him.

'Salut Louis, ca va?'

(Hello Louis, how are you?)

'Tres bien Madamosielle, you're heading for your studio I'm guessing', he spoke to the lady that approached them.

'Oui, I'll be late if I wait any longer', the woman walked up to them and asked for her keys. She only smiled at Jules to show she saw her.

'Eh Julie, this is my wife Lovina. Darling, meet my friend Julie. She's part of the dance crew I think?', he directed the question to her.

'Well I have a minor roll in the movie but mostly I'm dancing. It's nice to meet you ma'am',

'Oh she's precious! And call me Love, everyone does. I'll probably see you in the studio as well. I'm to instruct on one of the dance scenes. It's nice meeting you Julie, a'urevior!', she left to wherever.

Smiling tightly, she moved around Louis to her studio.

One word described his wife, gorgeous!

She was stunning! In the short time she stood with her she knew she was an amazing person. So why on earth was her husband looking elsewhere?

As she looked at the mirror that usually lined the studio walls she saw it.

Love walked in already changed into her dance gear. She started her choreography almost immediately after introducing herself to the crew.

Soon enough she was called aside to practice for her solo role and as she worked closely with Love, it became clearer to her.

Somehow, in some way they moved a like.

This made their work easier with Jules anticipating and mimicking her seamlessly.

After practice her mind though momentarily distracted by the class came back to it.

The first time she managed to catch Louis' attention was after she came to the spotlight with Lola and Gabe.

Was he looking for another who looked just like his wife? That alone sealed it for her. She was going to stay away from Louis from hence forth. His salvation was going to be someone else's problem.

She had preached, she had prayed. Even fasted. She had also invited him to church over and over again which he didn't pay any attention to.

So now that she was totally creeped out, she was done.

Walking out of the studio she didn't stop to say hello to anyone and went straight home.

What a day!



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