Ten: After School Special. Part Two.

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Back with Stefan, Ellie, and Caroline...

Ellie and Caroline had their heads on the table and Stefan placed his and Ellie's hands on the table, and he looked around.

Rebekah walked back in.

"Still glued to your seats? It's still thick with tension in here. Let's spice things up a bit. Ellie, truth or dare?" Asked Rebekah.

"We're done playing your stupid games, Rebekah." Stefan said.

"Truth or dare, Ellie? You're compelled, answer." Rebekah says.

"Dare." Ellie says.

"I dare you to tell Stefan how he makes you feel." Said Rebekah.

"Seriously? What are we, five?" Caroline asked, banging her hand on the table.

Ellie closed her eyes.

"Being with Stefan makes me happy." Ellie said.

Stefan stared at her.

"Makes you happy?" Rebekah asked, laughing. "Clowns make you happy, Ellie. Dig a little deeper."

Ellie groaned. This was embarrassing. They had broken up. Ellie grunted, and she tried to fight off the compulsion.

"When I'm with him... it feels unpredictable. Sometimes. Maybe he could be more unpredictable. I feel free. He lets me make my own choices without deciding them for me." Said Ellie.

"Okay. You've dated Tyler. How did you feel when you were with Tyler?" Rebekah asked.

"Stop." Caroline said.

"She can't. She's compelled." Rebekah said.

"Like he was... suffocating me. Always wanting sex. I was just with him because I didn't want to be alone. We argued a lot. After I lost my parents, Tyler looked at me like I was some broken toy." Ellie says, gritting her teeth.

Tyler ran into the library and saw Ellie, Stefan, and Caroline.

"Ah, good, you're here. We were just talking about you. It was just getting depressing." Rebekah said.

"What the hell is going on?" Tyler asked.

"You heard." Ellie said.

Tyler nodded. Ellie just looked down at the table, ashamed.

"It's fine. It's okay." Tyler says, nodding at her.

"Listen to the rules carefully. Stay in the building. No vamp running in the hallways." Rebekah said.

Stefan, Caroline, and Ellie frowned at each other then Ellie looked at Tyler, and it clicked.

"Oh, no." Ellie said, looking at Stefan.

"Vamp running from what?" Caroline asked.

"She's gonna make him turn." Ellie said.

Rebekah smiled at her.

"You are smart." Rebekah said, turning to Tyler.

Caroline turned to Tyler.

"Turn." Rebekah said, compelling him.

"What?" Stefan asked.

"No. You can't. He'll lose control." Said Caroline.

"That's the whole point. I've exhausted all your knowledge. I get the Professor to help me find the cure. You're just competition. Whoever finds it gets to decide what to do with it. Use it, share it, destroy it. Save it. I want that to be me." Rebekah said.

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