Chapter 67: Annihilation: Earth! Part 1

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(A/N Hey guys! Sorry it took me SO long to update this. I just didn't know how to end it due to them going to space. But with this, I have an idea of how to end it. Just to let you know, this is from memory (action-wise), so I didn't rewatch this episode for two reasons: I hate the Triceratons (except for Zeno) and I can't watch Splinter's death at the end (I even cover my eyes during Season 4 when that happens). If I get anything wrong, please let me know and I will correct it. Here's where I found the script for this:!/Transcript

Hopefully you all like it!)

The turtles, Jamie, April, and Casey were driving along in the Shell Raiser, talking about the last event that happened.

"Whoa, that Triceraton sounds so cool. I wish I could have fought a real, live dino-dude," Casey responded.

"Yeah, right. That dino-dude would have stomped you into a Casey puddle in about five seconds flat," Raph smirked.

"Whatever, Raph. Casey Jones eats dinosaur meat for breakfast," Casey bragged.

"Ugh. I'm just amazed there are more aliens out there in the universe other than the Kraang," April said.

"Yeah. But at the same time, it does make sense," Jamie added.

"I hate to break up the conversation guys, but someone's been following us for the last five blocks or so," Donnie announced.

"Weird. I don't sense anyone at all," Jamie remarked.

"Neither do I," April stated.

"See for yourself," Donnie replied.

They looked at the monitor to show a car that was following them. It pulled up beside them and when they got a better look at the driver, they were shocked.

"It's a Kraang!" Jamie gasped.

The car pulled up in front of them and raced further ahead.

"Stay on him, Leo," Donnie said.

The chase was on until they got to an alleyway and they checked the area out.

"He's gone," Casey remarked.

"Check it out. Turtles, 3117 Bayfront Street. Midnight," April read the writing on the wall with a very strange signature.

"What's that supposed to be. His logo?" Mikey asked.

"It's a chess piece," Leo answered.

"A bishop," Jamie said.


A/N Why is there a Kraang after them and what does the bishop mean?

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