But a shot rang through the air, and my heart fell, and my breath stopped. I didn't care for my dad's approval then, so I ran. I ran as fast as I could hoping to get there on time, hoping I'll see her there standing and holding a freshly used gun.

The beat of my heart was so loud, that my steps started matching it. And it wasn't until I look that I noticed there were three more pairs of feet ushering its beat. Through everything, we stuck together, through every loss, scar, and pain, through all the smiles, joy, and happiness. It was us, Marco, Ivy, Katherine, Lucy, and I, friends, and a lot more. Because what we had couldn't be traditional friendships and bonds, but it was ours. Our imperfect family.

We passed the threshold and entered the foggy warehouse and my mind went blank. The cold rage urged its way to the place it was before, but a silent promise followed behind it, she was alive, he would know if something happened to her, if he lost her, he would know. He would have felt it in his bones, heart, and soul.

I scanned the warehouse and could barely see through the fog, but somehow my eyes knew where to land, and my feet knew where to carry me to. Their knees on the ground one hand lifted to her chest and the other on the ground supporting her was Lucinda.

She then drops and lays down completely on the ground. My feet eat out the last of the distance separating us, my mind losing all thoughts, all focus. NO, no no no no no...

I stop by her head, giving out instantly I fall to my knees. Instinctively my hand goes to cup her head, bringing her closer to me as I check her pulse, and mine jumps, going a thousand miles per hour. 

It's weak, so weak.

I push strands that have fallen on her head and come closer to her, 'Luc. Luc, sweetheart, please open your eyes. Please.' My voice is hoarse by the last pleading, and as the seconds tick by and I get no response from her I clutch her closer, not wanting to let her go. 'Please, Luc. I love you.'

Then as if those words, the words that I promised belonged to her, even when she wouldn't let me say them, woke her. I saw her eyes flutter open, the chocolate brown I have slowly come to love in them making me shudder in relief.

'Hey.' her words were weak, but they were hers. She was still alive, and I need to keep it that way.

'Shhh,' I whispered, my hand cupping her face, 'Don't talk, don't waste your energy.'

My head popped out looking for help, my mind screaming that I needed to get her somewhere safe. In the back of my mind, I knew that it was probably useless, that she's lost too much blood, that she can't recover. But this was Lucinda D'Ambrosio. My Luc, my love, my heart. She was going to get out of this alive.

'Damien...' she whispered, and I brought my eyes back to her. Seeing her breath getting more labored by the second, but still, she looked at me, determination crowding her eyes, and she let out a small smile, 'I love you,' she said, 'I'm sorry for this,' she was apologizing for dying, for leaving me. My heart went above speed limits, above any possibility. 

'Please, don't talk. Save your breath, your strength.' My voice is wavering, and I feel my eyes start to sting, everything becoming blurry as I try to fight off the tears, but of no use. Blinking rapidly I let the tears stream down my face, 'Don't go, Luc. Fight please.' her sad smile reappeared, and something like regret in her eyes as well. Slowly she lifted her hand, trembling with the effort, and started wiping away my tears.

'Don't cry for me.' she said, her voice barely above a whisper, but it traveled all the way to my heart, and I swear I heard an audible crack as if my heart gave up and decided that it could no longer live fully, not without hers to match its beat.

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