chapter 20 - sweet names

Comenzar desde el principio

I'm probably annoying him because of how much I'm around him these days. I mean the other day I slept at his house because of everything that happened at the party which I'm still very grateful for what he did to help me.

It really shook me about just thinking to myself what would have happened if Reece didn't come.

I bought him flowers the day after to properly thank him which he seemed satisfied with.

he had a spare vase in the cupboard so he put them in there.

everyone needs some flowers in there life.

I hop out of bed and smooth out my duvet because it got crinkled as I was sitting on it.

I place my blanket I was using on the end of my bed and place it so it's only covering the end of it.

I grab my converse from the bottom of my wardrobe and quickly slip them on trying to dodge my white rug so I don't get it dirty.

probably should have put them on downstairs because there's nothing worse than a dirty white rug.

I make sure I have everything in my bag before leaving my room and gently closing it behind me.

I mean it's not like I need much with me all I have is my car keys, my house keys, my phone, elsie's keys for the bookstore, my lip balm because we all hate chapped lips and tissues.

needed necessity's.

I walk downstairs knowing there's not going to be anyone home because dad is doing the food shop and I actually don't know where my brother is.

he works in a restaurant as head chef but I know he isn't working today.

he's probably with a girl, I know that normally he spends lots of times with girls.

mostly because sometimes I've came home and he's sat with girls watching movies and stuff but every time it's someone different which personally I wish was different, I would rather him have one girl that is it for him and that he adores and loves and that's not just a fling but I'm not him and if having flings is what makes him happy then so be it all I care about is if he's happy.

I'm sure the right girl for him will come for him at the right time.

and as for dad and his love life he hasn't had anyone since mom. which is obviously understandable because it wasn't that long ago and I do know how hard it is for him.

I mean it would be. when you think about it, he knew her way longer than we did.

he grew up with her since they were 19 and came inseparable ever since.

I don't know how I would feel if he met someone else. I don't like to think about it because I am so used to him just being with mom but I'm sure mom would want him to find somebody that makes him happy.

and I do too, of course I do.

but I would just have to get used to it for his sake of course.

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I arrive at romie's house and happily knock on the door.

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