Chapter 8

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Hey guys! I just wanted to ask for any feedback, any events you would be interested in reading, or anything that has to do with the story! Anyway, thanks for reading my story. Here we go...

"Um, I a few days? I don't think I can... Sorry!"

My joyous expression falters, and Alyssa looks like she's going to break down in seconds.

"I am so sorry!"

"It's okay. I should've asked sooner."

Alyssa pouts again and I try to reassure you.

"Well, I have to go, so I'll see you around!"


I walk away, and head home, a little disappointed. I wanted Maxon to see that I was strong, and I can move on quickly. It does sound selfish when you hear it out loud, but it's something I want to put out there.

A few days later, I start packing for my flight to the royal wedding. I shove in the dress that I wore when I came back to Columbia, and a few other clothes that seem the most elegant in my dresser. I pack in some of my shoes, and a few belongings that would remind me of home. I bring my finally packed suitcase into the hallway, and I scan the room for anything else I might need for the five day trip to Angeles. I close the door to my room, and say by to my parents.

"Be careful."

My mom warns. My dad smiles. He took off a day of teaching just to see me go. My dad helps me put the suitcase in the car, and then he helps me get into it. He climbs into the passenger's seat, chatting a little to the chauffeur. My mom waves from the door of our house, and I wave back.

When we arrive at the airport, there is a lot of media again. Not as much chaos as last time, but still very loud. I bump into someone and lose my dad, but he shouts my name and push past people to see him. He sighs with relief, and starts dragging me towards the plane. A guard like person comes up next to me, and my dad sighs with relief again. When we get to the plane, the guard puts my belongings in the plane while I say good-bye to my father.

"Be safe, Kriss."

"I will, dad."

I roll my eye playfully and grin.

"Love you sweetie."

"Love you too."

He kissed me on my forehead, and lead me to the entrance of the plane. I smiled, waved, and then went into the airplane.

A few hours later, I see a forest and an airport up ahead. We land a couple minutes later, and I am nearly tackled by reporters and cameramen. Luckily, there are palace guards to shove the annoying people away. As I push through the crowd, I hear a disturbing question.

"How do you feel? Are you still devastated from losing the Selection?"

I stop for a second, and I shake off the question. I try not to think about the question so much. The palace guards lead me to my ride that is going to take my to the palace.


I look at the driver and I give him a confused look.

"I drove you from the palace to the airport last time."

I try to trace my memory as far as I can to when I was leaving, but my memory apparently didn't pick the driver up.

"I'm just kidding."

The driver takes off their hat and I see Marlee in the driver's seat.

"Oh my gosh! Hi!"

Marlee giggles, and then gets out of the drivers side and switches to the passenger seat. The person who was sitting in the passenger's seat moves to the driver's seat. Marlee tells me a lot of the details of the wedding, and her own wedded life. When we arrive at the palace, there is a lot of paparazzi waiting for me. I walk down with Marlee, still talking to her about life in general. I get to the huge doors of the palace and I see Maxon standing with America by his side. Maxon sticks his hand out, and then mutters something unintelligible and bows. I giggle, and he grins. Marlee and America share a confused look, and I am glad that Maxon remembered our first encounter. That moment will always be ours.

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