Now it was quiet.

Too quiet.

„I'm sorry about making so much trouble for you.I'll make it up some time later."

He looked at me with an irritated expression.

„Don't think too much about it and you don't need to make up anything.As long as you're feeling alright again ,I'm satisfied."

Light giggles had left my mouth.

Then the doctor already came in with Coach Mai behind him.

„I've heard you've got a twisted ankle?Let me see."

He came more near ,inspecting my ankle and then sighed.

„I'm not sure if it's just twisted that's why I would like to do a scan to see the bone more clearly."


I could see Coach Mai ,in a glimpse, quietly freaking out about me being the second time this week at the doctors.
Then another nurse came in with a wheelchair for me, which I've took a seat in , and bringing me to another room to do the scan.
After 20 minutes I got brought back to the hospital bed to wait for the results.
Though as I've arrived ,no one was there anymore just a small piece of paper on the table next to the bed.
I took it and then started to read.

Hey Y/N ,
When you're reading this, we've probably left already.I got a call from my manager to discuss something important about my next comeback and Coach Mau was called by the company to have a meeting with the sponsors or something.
I'm sorry for leaving already, but I'll check up on you later.
Have a good recovery process!


It's sad that they've left but what can I do?
It's about their job and they shouldn't neglect it for someone like me.
Next to the letter was my phone and the keys for my apartment.
I've decided to rest a bit in form from sleeping to get my mind off but my thoughts wouldn't keep still.
Am I a bad figure skater for not landing this trick and for worrying so many people?

If you think about it, it's just stupid, yes I know that, but I can't help it.

After some time I got woken up by a call from my mother.

„Hey, how are you?"

„I'm fine and you?"

I couldn't risk letting my mother now about me being at the hospital.

„I'm good, just work as usual."

We didn't talk for long until I have hung up again.As I checked my phone for anything else, I've noticed a text message from Jay.

-Jay :)-

Are you free today?

I'm not ,sorry


I'm kind of sick

I can come by and take care of you

I think that won't work due to me being at the hospital right now

After my last message he didn't reply anymore which made me sort of sad but also sort of angry at myself for acting that way.
But he somehow deserved it, didn't he?
Sometimes it feels like he just doesn't care about me at all.

Then the doctor came it with some papers.

„So I've look at the scan I've made and you just didn't twist it but also broke a bone."


Then he showed me a picture of the bone in my ankle being slightly apart of each other and in two pairs.

„In 3 months you should have recovered fully and now we just need to put you a cast on which will cover almost you whole foot area and your leg."

„But I have a competition in one month."

„Then you'll need to cancel it.Your bone won't grow together that fast."

I was disappointed at his reply and conclusion and just laid back down ,saying nothing.
After a while two nurses sat me up and he put the cast on me which took around 15 minutes.Then I was allowed to go home again with crutches.
Since I didn't have any other option I just took the subway to get back to the company but that way was ten times harder due to the crutches.

It took me one and a half hours to get back to the company and when I've arrived almost no one was there anymore.
I just went to the cabin to get my things and then also left to go home.
I arrived and just settled down.
With my broken ankle I won't be able to do anything and my company made it clear to me since they've called me ,telling me not to come to work for the next week.

Why is life so difficult?

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