“Feeling any better?” I inquired, hoping she would say she just needed to go to bed.

She sighed. “Not really. I don’t know what to do. Should I try and ring my dad and warn him of what he’s coming back to? Should I try and talk to my mum and she if she’ll at least explain herself. Or should I just sit here and wait for bad to go to worse?” She ranted, spilling her internal questions to me.

This was the part I had been dreading - the giving advice part. “I think you should try and speak to your mum.” I suggested, deciding that was the best option. There was no point in making a rash decision and speaking to her dad when she still didn’t know the full story. She at least needed to attempt to get that out of her mum before she spoke to her father and made things even worse.

She nodded. “I don’t want to go near her though. I still can’t believe she’d do something like that!” She announced incredulously.

I could tell she still somewhat in shock from both seeing her mum and this man and then being kicked out. I knew what the second one felt like and it wasn’t pleasant. Obviously I’d had Jord to run to and comfort me, but Mel only had me to come to. Well, and Leonie, but I couldn’t imagine her being very comforting.

“Just have a nights sleep and then see how you feel in the morning, it will be less surreal then.” I told her reassuringly, secretly hoping that she would accept my words of wisdom and head straight upstairs, falling to sleep as soon as her head hit the pillow so that I could struggle with my sorrow alone.

“Okay, but I don’t think I can get to sleep quite yet, can we watch a film or something?” She proposed.

I fought the urge to snap that no, we couldn’t watch a film or something, but knew I needed to be less selfish and remember that it wasn’t just me who was in a big dilemma here. “Sure, I’ll go and get the ice cream, you can pick a film.” I ordered, going to fetch the big tub I kept in the freezer for such occasions. Hopefully it would help me be less miserable as well, because I sure needed to cheer up.

After grabbing two big spoons, I returned to see that Mel had picked a Star Wars film, The Empire Strikes Back to be precise. That tugged at my heart string because it brought back the last memory I had of watching this film - with Jord. We’d been extremely close together on the sofa, and knowing that we’d never be that close again was heart-breaking.

I slumped into the sofa and promptly removed the ice cream lid, needing to drown my sorrows in stuffing my face. I grabbed a spoon and handed the other to Mel whilst settling down and watching the film that brought me a number of unwanted feelings inside me.

By the time we were half way through the film, we had run out of ice cream. I made a sound of disapproval and only then did I realise that I’d practically hogged the ice cream and the tub was practically on my lap. “Wow, you sure were in the mood for ice cream, has something happened you’re not telling me about?” She teased, not meaning anything by it, but still managing to make me feel guilty and even more miserable.

I just chuckled and tried not to make it sound too strained. I didn’t plan on making anymore comments and just sticking the tub on the coffee table to that we could keep on watching the film, but my plans were interrupted when there was yet another knock on the door.

It's Not A Game Of Chance When It Comes To LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin