chapter 1: prologue (re-written)

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We begin this story with (Y/n), about as average as a person can get. Having finished his current semester, he's sitting at home doing what any other severely depressed, overworked 18-year-old would do.

Beat the shit out of people in world of warships legends with a Großer Kurfust while simultaneously playing Azur Lane and listening to some subnautica lore. An odd combo, yet it works somehow.

(Y/n): "Get fucking demolished you fucking floating hotel! Why in the fresh fuck would you go broadside in a Yamato you armourless bitch?

Yamato, the mightiest battleship ever built, unfortunately its armor scheme is sometimes... undesirable.

(Y/n): "why the fuck are there so many republiques!? It just got released you sad fucks! How about you give me those doubloons instead!? I want some shiny shit too!"

(Y/n) was, quite fucking angry, so angry in fact that he could become the next doom slayer. Why was almost everyone playing republique when it just came out a week ago? Do these people have no life? He respectfully grinded his way up to Großer Kurfust using sheer determination to complete the German BB CL and French BB lines. Gneisenau was the only exception, that shit is so unplayable and bad to aim that (Y/n) bought Scharnhorst instead and just skipped the bad-aim ship using global xp.

(Y/n): "lets fucking goooo! Kraken for the win!

Why aint this piece of shit in Azur Lane? Would make a pretty fucking good UR."

Well, well, a kraken. Impressive, having at least 5 kills in a game where teams are only 9 players is quite a difficult task to accomplish.

Feeling some sort of relief after a good gaming session, (Y/n) tried to turn off his PS5.

Key word tried.

It simply didnt want to, which perplexed and annoyed (Y/n). A lot

(Y/n): "ok big man what the fuck?"

1 click, it didnt work.

2 clicks, still on.

2 minutes of x-spamming later it still wouldn't turn off.

By this point (Y/n) became a vessel for pure rage once again.

(Y/n): "OK! what the fuck do you want? Money! I Aint got it.

Upgrades! I gave you an internal 2TB stick. Be grateful you lil pink shit."

Obviously, a deranged teen shouting at a pink gaming console wont do shit, so he decided to go take a shower to cool off. That and hygiene is important.

(Y/n): " if you aint turned off by the time Im back you're getting dropped onto the neighbors kid again.

Sort yourself out!"

As he walked out and slammed the door as hard as he could, the TV flickered, just for an instant. The victory screen changed; its text altered. It didnt show a victory anymore, it showed a loading screen...

Downloading subject data: 15% complete


Subject data downloaded :20% complete.


Downloading ship data: 25% complete


Ship data downloaded, H-class Großer Kurfust, theoretical iron blood battleship: 30% complete.


(Y/n): "Ok that was pretty weird for my PS5, considering everything it did."

He was deep in thought, while unconsciously applying shampoo and forming a smooth foam with it.


"Hol up

Why the fuck am I speaking to myself?"

Pretty good question if I say so myself...

"Fuck it Im prolly just insane.


Whys the water cold now?

Lad heat up or I'll beat yo ass."

By now he had realized that he might need a therapist. Well, he had realized a long time ago but right now, after threatening a showerhead with physical violence; it was starting to dawn on (Y/n) .

(Y/n): "Ight to the masterbatorium


The bedroom I go."

After spending more than enough time in the heavenly realm known as a hot shower, (Y/n) returns to his bedroom, opening and closing the bedroom with a swift, strangely acrobatic maneuver.

(Y/n): "ALRIGHT! Ya pink bitch

What the fu-"

(Y/n) was now severely confused, perplexed even. Firstly, the PS5 was still on, even though the automated power-off should've gone into effect 20 minutes ago. Secondly, the TV showed a simple red and black screen, asking "the subject" for confirmation.

(Y/n): "excuse the fuck outta me, w h a t.

I don't remember war gaming adding this part into the game and as far as I know Im not on drugs, probably."

(Y/n) instinctively reached for his controller for... fuck knows why actually; it just feels right to hold a controller properly. It just fits perfectly into your hands and has so many buttons it could very well make a fidget toy. Anyway, while picking up the controller, the fucking dumbass accidentally pressed the X button to confirm the ominous prompt on the ominous screen. Which resulted in an Azur blue glow exiting the screen, almost like parts of the ocean were reaching through the screen gradually.

This would unsettle a normal person, at least, but (Y/n), on the other hand, was unphased by this. In his mind he was either too sleep deprived, again, or one of his neighbors was using some strong hallucinogenic which managed to seep into his room. Wouldn't be the first time.

(Y/n): "I should probably be worried about the weird blue bullshit, but Im too tired to give a fuck, and its a fucking Monday I got better shit to do than this


Ye fuck this Im goin on my phone."

While (Y/n) was busy setting up his EarPods and getting the absolute best playlist to ever exist, something changed in the screen once more, it became... fluid?

The center was see-through, too see-through. It was like a clear view into a little, insignificant section of the Pacific Ocean, judging by the little island in view and the calm blue waves. Despite the stillness of the center, the outside edges were violent and turbulent. Raging like waves, all headed into the center of the screen, like they were being pulled in by an unknown force.

But that was the issue, they weren't pulled by a force.

They were the force...

And (Y/n) the target.

(Y/n): "aight lets go, this finna be the best sleep this universe has ever seen!



And just like that he was pulled into the world of the screen. (Y/n) simply couldn't react fast enough to save himself from the anomalous portal.

Now a new adventure begins, one that will possibly change him forever...

Project Leviathan: (male) reader x azur lane storyWhere stories live. Discover now