Chapter 24 - Coming home to...

Start from the beginning

Tessa: I'm glad you're home Babe

Giselle: We want to show you something..

I was so confused but i look my moms way, as i see my mom pick Anna up and stands her up and say ''Go to mama'' and point to me. As Anna walks to me slow with baby steps towards me as i cover my mouth and smiles and have happy tears in my eyes, As I see Anna get closer, As i hold my hands out as she stumbles in my arms as i lifts her up and holds her and kiss all over her face, as she giggles.

Lily: My little bug is walking at 24months

I smiles at her.

Giselle: We have  been working on standing up and building up strength in her legs and Tessa here bought her a walker and she's loves it, at first she wouldn't move but when she did she went backwards then she went forward.

Rosalyn: She's such a smart baby, Lily

I smiles.

Tessa: Tomorrow is her Appointment.

I nods as I carry Anna and sit down on the couch as Anna wants down, As I put her down and she pulls herself up and hold onto the coffee table and babbles, I smiles at, my baby growing up.

Lily: I still can't believe my baby is walking

Rosalyn: She's getting so big

Lily: yea she is

I smiles.

Gabriella: Awe chus better tía Lily?

Lily: I'm all better little one

Gabriella: Yay

I watch Gabi bounces up and down excitedly in Delilah's lap giggles as i smiles at her. As Tessa's phone rings as i watch her get her phone and get up to answer it.

T E S S A ' S P O V:

My phone rings as i look at it and get up and walk to the kitchen to answers ''Hello?''

Valerie talks ''Hey boo''

I talks ''what do you want?''

Valerie talks ''Don't be rude sweetie, just want to talk to you''

I talks ''Ok, well my fiance just got home so-''

Valerie talks ''What?! Fiance? Don't tell me you're planning on being with that loser.'' She laughs.

I rolled my eyes.

I talks ''Don't talk about my girlfriend like that, now I'm gonna go and stop calling!''

Valerie talks ''Wait!''

I sighs and then talks ''what?''

Valerie talks ''I'm having a party at my house and i want to invite you and your ''Fiance'' over''.

I talks ''I'll talk to her and we will think about it ok?''

Valerie talks ''okay''

As i hang up, turn around and see Lily right there behind me.

L I L Y ' S P O V:

I look to see Tessa still on the phone as i get up and walk to the kitchen and waits til she's done as she hangs up and turn around and surprised to see me right here.

Lily: Everything okay babe?

Tessa: Yea..

Lily: Who was that?

Tessa: Valerie...

Lily: what did she want?

Tessa: She invited us to her party..

Lily: oh.

Tessa: Obviously were not going right? Valerie is obsessed with me..didn't know she like girls.. ugh all because I'm a stud and I'm pretty handsome right babe?

Lily: Of course you're handsome bebe.. And we're not going I just got home.

I lean in to kissed her as she kissed me back.

Tessa: You're really pretty y'know that?

Lily: I know

As i smiles as we both walk back into the living room, I picked up Anna and holds her.

Lily: Me and Tessa going in my room

Giselle: Alright

Rosalyn: okay Mija

As me and Tessa made our way upstairs to my room with Anna in my arms as i set her in her crib as me and Tessa lay in my bed.

Lily: I Missed you babe

Tessa: I missed you more my love

I lean in and kissed her as she kissed me back as i climb on top of her, she grab my waist supporting me up as we continue to make out.

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