🌹The Crimson Tyrant: Chapter 14

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"Okay, okay! I'll do it!!" Grim said eagerly, raising his paw in the air. With food on his brain, Grim just couldn't wait as he took one of the chestnuts in his paws, ready to complete the deliciously sweet tart. "Don't screw it up at the very end, okay?" Ace warned.

"Leave it to me! ...Hiyah!" Grim exclaimed confidently as he turned towards a few of the tarts and carefully placed the chestnuts on top of each spiraled tower of cream. His smile grew wider than before, and he did a victory flip. "I'm the greatest~♪ It's an amazing chestnut tart~!" he exclaimed happily.

Alice patted Grim's head gently as she and Trey each picked up a small mesh colander and filled them with powdered sugar. "Lastly, we dust the top with powdered sugar..." Trey said as he tapped his finger repeatedly against the colander and dashed the tarts with the sweet sugar while Alice did the same on her side.

" Trey said as he tapped his finger repeatedly against the colander and dashed the tarts with the sweet sugar while Alice did the same on her side

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Once the last of the tarts were sprinkled, that was it. "And there we go!" Alice cheered. "And finished~!" Ace and Grim both exclaimed in sheer joy. "Finished..." Deuce said with much less enthusiasm as the others as he half-heartedly raised a fist into the air.

Ace raised an eyebrow at the navy blue-haired boy and went over to Alice. He leaned down to her ear as he pointed towards him. "Did something happen while you were out shopping?" he whispered, taking note of Deuce's gloomy expression.

"Yeah, how come he's acting like that?" Kira asked, just as curious. Alice just shrugged as she let out an awkward laugh. "Let's just give him some time alone for now." she said. "For 16 years I believed that, and for what...?" Deuce dishearteningly asked as he slumped down on the counter.

Alice walked over to him and gently stroked his hair, softly comforting him. Deuce blushed at her gesture. Ace almost fell to the floor before he held himself up against the counter and buried his head in his arms, letting out an exhausted groan.

"I gotta say though, baking sweets takes up so much time. I'm exhausted..." the terracotta-haired boy sighed tiredly. "I respect you for this, Alice-chan." Then suddenly, the kitchen door burst wide open and a familiar orange-haired teen strolled right in.

"Good work~♪ Is the tart finished? The decorations are super cute~!" Cater chirped as he suddenly popped up out of nowhere and smiled brightly at his little juniors

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"Good work~♪ Is the tart finished? The decorations are super cute~!" Cater chirped as he suddenly popped up out of nowhere and smiled brightly at his little juniors. Startled by his sudden appearance, Ace and Kira nearly jumped out of their skins as they collapsed onto the floor.

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