Eight- Too Slow

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   The smell hit me instantly. I'd been sleeping in my own room, it was the middle of the night, and I could smell his heat. I tried to ignore it and go back to sleep, give him some space so he wouldn't be too overwhelmed. When I heard him outside my door I couldn't stop myself from getting up. He was wearing my clothes and clearly too warm.
  "You okay?" I whispered, trying to keep everything at bay. With him standing right there it was difficult.
  "I want you to come sleep in my bed. It doesn't feel right and your room doesn't have anything in here so I want you to stay with me." I nodded, grabbing my phone and following him back down the corridor. His room had taken a slight transformation, with half of my closet and pillows tucked into a corner. A couple jackets I'd been looking for for the last few days had been slung onto the floor near the pile, along with my most recent gym clothes.
"Change out of the hoodie, Rafe. Pick something else to wear, you're too warm." he shrugged, touching at the shirts on the floor before turning back to face me and grabbing my arm. "Do you want this one? Here."
"You slept in that one?" I nodded, and he took the shirt out of my hand, not shying away to change like he usually did. "Let me see your eyes."
"I don't know, Rafe." he tugged at my arm and huffed, impatient with the teasing tone. I let the magic slip away and watched him relax as he looked at my face. When his arms finally snaked around my waist, I felt nothing but the urge to help him. "Where are we going?"
"There. Smells like you." I nodded, picking him up and shuffling to the pile of my clothes. It was surprisingly comfortable to lay on, though Rafael huffed and kept on moving. "Closer."
"You're basically on top of me," I whisper, smiling as he shifted towards the wall and tried to pull me closer. "I'll squash you."
"I don't care. I want you closer. That jacket." I laughed at his tired, yet demanding voice, grabbing the jacket and covering him with it before pulling him towards me so that we were impossibly close. "Better."

I heard the door shutting behind someone, a laugh from behind it as the sun started to show through the curtains. Rafael had managed to get under both me and most of my clothes, basically drowning himself in whatever smelled like me. He groaned and shook his head as he realised the sun was up, shaking the clothes off of his and fixing the mess beneath him. Whenever he started paying attention to my presence, he scooted back to me and pressed his nose to my neck and sighed. I only froze up when he started moving my hands under the shirt he wore, letting my fingers graze along the skin of his chest and back.
"You're not ready." I managed, though it had become pretty obvious he'd affected me. I felt his grin against my skin and figured out he was trying to get my reaction.
"I'll tell you. I want to get closer." Even with his own strengthening scent, his skin against my hands, body against mine, I managed to gain some control over myself and pull back slightly. He didn't like it very much.
"No, closer."
"Breakfast, then I'll be as close as you want me to be." he shook his head, pulling my wrist and nearly getting me to give in. It was nearly too hard to stop myself from giving to every desire. "I know you want this now, but you need to eat."
"As close as I want?" he grumbled, and I nodded. "Keep the red."
"Of course." he reluctantly got up with me, choosing another hoodie to wear. "And i'll make sure you have as much of my attention as possible."
"Lucky it's your family," he carried on with some rather violent threats for whoever else wanted my attention, before grabbing a wet wipe and wiping down his face and neck. "Mine."
"All yours, Rafe." he nodded, holding my hand and not giving me the chance to grab a shirt to wear before pulling me out of the room.
"Morning." Dad greeted, already at the table serving the youngest children their breakfast. Rafael managed to hum back, basically gluing himself to my side. "Couldn't find a shirt to wear?"
"Almost like that time that you hid all of Dads shirts." he laughed and gave Rafael a plate. Kyren came through and looked at me with something in his eye that said he wanted to tease us about the current situation, but he wisely said nothing.
"You don't show your eyes very often." Paps commented, sitting at the table beside my Dad, also missing a shirt.
"And if he hides them any time soon he won't have eyes." Rafael mumbled, chewing at a mouthful of food. Anyone who heard laughed, and he leaned on me as he ate. He seemed to be getting closer and closer as the meal passed, and I could barely finish my own food without getting... distracted.
"We'll bring you two some more food later on." Paps said, and Rafael was happy enough to hear that. I managed to get in one more mouthful before being nearly dragged back upstairs. "Lock the door!"
"I'm being held captive here."

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