Six- Sense of Normalcy

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  The sun burned through the far too opened curtains, an alarm waking me up from what had been something of a peaceful sleep early in the morning. Ever the deep sleeper, Rafael still lay sleeping against my chest, blankets tucked right under his nose. I shifted ever so slightly at the sound of my Paps' voice from the hall calling my name as I had asked him to. If he was going to train whilst he was still injured, then so was I. Only, I had agreed that I would take many breaks and stop if I took my breath too fast. It was the only way that my Dad would let me even leave the house. Rafael stirred a little as I gently pushed him so that he was resting against the sheets instead. When he whined and tried to grab me, I leaned over him and shushed him in an attempt to get him to relax again. Something in me knew that he would only panic if he woke up in the bed alone after falling to sleep with me, so I took a piece of paper from a stray notebook, doing my best to concentrate on getting the words right on paper. As usual, the words I put down on paper did their best to confuse me. I was sure that I was writing something backwards.
  "I knew you'd be in here, are you ready?" I shrugged, not turning until I had crossed each 't' and dotted each 'I'. I stood in silence for a second, trying not to wince as I put too much pressure on my leg. "What are you doing?"
  "Don't want to leave without saying bye and he doesn't check the phone. I have to concentrate." I heard him hum and placed the note on the bedside table. Then I found my gym trousers and put on the same tank top I'd worn the day before. There was no point dirtying another shirt when this one was still perfectly capable for gym wear.
  "You could have gotten some of your own paper and written it on that." I shrugged, pulling on my trainers. I would shower later.   "Well I have to be finished with training by 8, I have a meeting at 9."
  "Okay. Next time you and Dad do the not-so-innocent tango, at least keep it down." he laughed and rubbed his face. "Seriously. I didn't get sleep 'til three in the morning. It's inhumane."
  "Well don't tell me about the noise it wasn't me." I cringed at knowing what that meant but said nothing as I followed him out of the room. I could smell the bacon on the already, and hoped that there was still enough for Rafael when he woke up. He loved bacon. "Stop daydreaming about your mate. Or don't."
  "I can smell bacon and I know he likes bacon." he grinned and looked at me with something glinting in his eye.
  "I'm sure we've got more bacon for him to have. Your Dad also wants to make sure you're okay before we go, Mr McWheezy." I rolled my eyes, though I knew why he was doing it. Ever since my uncle had paid a nasty visit, he had done everything he could to distract himself. He must have tried to do my laundry at least eight times. He must have washed clean clothes just for the sake of it. "Just let him check. If you're still too sick you won't be able to go."
  "I know. I'm breathing better now, and my foot feels a bit better." Paps shrugged, it would be up to my Dad to decide whether I was okay enough. It always would be. "And anyway, he seems to be leaving you alone."
  "Nope, he's just checking... other ways." I grimaced and then pretended like that conversation didn't happen when my Dad walked through, looking a lot healthier than he had in recent days. My Paps leaned over the table to kiss his cheek, and I shifted the bacon out of the way. Not over my bacon sandwiches.

  "Put the bacon on bread," my Dad commented, laughing as I shoved individual pieces into my mouth. "Or at least eat civilly."
  "Now why would I do that?" I mumbled, food still in my mouth. He laughed again, barely putting any food on his own plate. I looked at my Paps, who shrugged and swapped their plates.
  "You didn't put enough on your plate. Mine is warmer anyway, so you can have it." Dad went to protest, visibly, but Paps had already started eating. His mind was made.
  "Any plans today?"
  "Not really," he shrugged, chewing on some bacon. "I might take the kids shopping, or something. Maybe to the park."
  "Let me know what you decide, I'll see if I can tag along." Dad shrugged. I was still eating like an animal when my Paps reached for a second helping of vegetarian sausages.

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