One- Uneasy

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   The room that I stepped into was smaller than a lot of them. It reeked of fear. There were too many beds to count, and they weren't the luxurious bed that the rest of the pack had been using. Most of the beds I could see seemed to be falling apart, spring by spring. Some were barely big enough for a child. There were omegas piled into the room, some shaking in fear and some hiding behind the furniture. I wouldn't say I liked the way that they all expected me to hurt them.
  "I'm not a threat," I start off with, knowing that the words were stupid and wouldn't ease them or their minds. It probably scared them more. Anything would be terrifying to them. "I'm Kade King, the next Alpha of another pack."
  A few of them seemed to start to relax a little at the mention of my name like they recognised my name. I couldn't even recognise their pack. They weren't registered under the council, not even one person. Some of them cowered in the corners, trembling under my gaze.
  "W...Where is our Alpha?" one whispered, staring at me and stepping in front of some children. They couldn't have been older than five years old. When I realised that they were hurt too, I was nearly sick. He shielded them with an arm, and a few others began to flock around them. After a moment, not a single child could be seen.
  "We got some sort of information that your Alpha was running an unregistered pack, keeping all of you here without letting people know you were even alive. Some of you were here unwillingly." the boy didn't say anything back to me after that, still hiding the children as he started to sniff the air. I hated to think about it like this, but he was right to not trust me even if I knew for sure I wouldn't do anything bad. It seemed that in this pack, nobody could trust anybody. "After what we've seen here, your Alpha will be placed under arrest and probably charged with the unlawful ownership of this pack, and now the abuse of many omegas. How many of you are there?"
  The first omega stepped forward, to be replaced by another, blocking the children again. He shifted slightly, looking behind me. I held my hands up so that all of them could see me, and he looked at me with softening eyes.
  "What will happen to us, then?" he whispered, moving to stand in the corner as somebody walked behind me. "Have you seen my Alpha's son?" I nodded, knowing that when the scared twenty-something boy attacked me on the way in, he had been near killed by the warriors behind me. "The pack will be merged with mine, and you will be taken somewhere safe. The Alpha's son will not become a problem for me." he nodded, getting closer to me. The others held their breaths, and I just smiled as the main one talking approached to touch my hair. He flinched back a little, probably expecting me to smack him if the bruises across his body were anything to go by. He looked away, taking off a small bracelet he was wearing. I was sure that if the others didn't start breathing soon, they would pass out and I would have to carry them out.
  "'M sorry..." he whispered, stepping back. A strong smell of honey filled the room as he moved away, and I came to a quick realisation that he was expecting me to reject him. I would never do that, I thought nobody would. This pack was different in too many ways.
  "I accept you," I tell him, smiling. He didn't react at first, so I repeated myself.
  "Really?" he wonders, grinning, though I could basically smell the fear lingering off of him. I gave a smile in hopes that he would calm down. They all seemed to be panicked and overwhelmed at the situation, none of them knew what to do. From the distance, I could hear my trained doctors and nurses walking through the halls to check the people. Most were hurt and scared."If you want to really reject me then please do it now, not later. I'd rather die now than be hopeful."
  "I accept you as my mate, why would I ever even think of rejecting you?" he looked up at me, hope all over his face for a second before another omega clearly slightly older than him approaches me.
  "Can we go before another beta or something comes to find us, Sir? They won't be happy with this and will take it out on us." I nodded, coming back to my senses. I moved away from the door. "They will beat us and I don't think we can take any more than we already have. It's great that you've found each other and all, but they won't spare the children if we don't leave. They never do."
  "You're right. How many of you are there in here?"
  "Twelve over the age of sixteen. Six under the age of ten. Three between. The children and those at the back need more help."
  "Any other rooms we should check?"
  "Jared is missing." a child's voice yells, the kid pushing past and standing in front of them. "'Nother room. Show you?"
  "Sure. Why don't you lead the way?" the kid instantly got giddy, nodding and walking in front. Holes were being stared into the back of my head. When I spotted the room the kid had led me to, I got in front of him. "Thank you very much. Can you stay just here for me whilst I take a look?" he nodded.
  I heard shuffling behind the door as I got closer, sounds of grumbling and groaning.
  "Please step away from the door," the kid shook his head, going for the door instead. He opened it and shoved through, keeping the door open the entire time. "Can everybody come on out or does anybody need help?"
  "Need help." the kid tells me. I nodded, beckoning my second over.
  "We're going to need help. I can't get them all out on my own." The kid comes to me, grabbing my hand. I held onto his hand and smiled, counting the injured omegas coming out of the room with my second and his team. Thirteen.

King's JewelsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon