Five- Panic

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   I understood. I finally understand my parents' panic at my complete stupidity of running into danger. When Rafael continued to wander towards the bushes, the feelings I felt went beyond panic. Although I could still hold myself up on my own two feet and I was still painfully aware of everything around me- even the squirrel that had barely managed to escape the fate of being squashed- I could feel the air in my throat sit and stay trapped. If I let myself, I could have breathed perfectly fine, and yet I still held my breath anyway.
  A head eventually peaked from behind the bushes, going towards Rafael. I didn't move, just watched every move made. When they both seemed happy enough to see one another, I finally felt able to let go of my breath. I may not have recognised the wolf, but knowing that Rafael knew him eased my mind a little. I didn't have to be so on edge about the situation, because he seemed to think this guy was safe to be around.
  The wolf was bigger than Rafael by a lot, easily towering over him as they sat together. If I couldn't smell the fact that he was an omega too, it would have seemed far more threatening to me.
  It's just my friend. Meet him. He linked with me, giving me a sharp-toothed grin.
  I approached, still taking a protective stance beside him even if I thought it was safe enough for Rafael. Something about it felt wrong, so I kept my guard. The guy bowed his head slightly, and I acknowledged him as Rafael moved behind me to shift back into his human form. I didn't shift back, even when he sat on the ground next to me and looked tiny.
  "Be nice and shift back, Kade." I only shook my head, and was met with a look of disapproval. I shifted back, huffing. I had wanted to stay in my wolf form for longer. "Thank you!"
  "'m gonna have to shift back to go home. I can't walk properly." he shrugged, laying his head against my shoulder. It made me feel better.
  "He's an Alpha!" the other one said, staring at me. I nodded.   "Surprising he didn't re—"
  "The Kings' pack isn't like that," I say before he could even finish his sentence. "We don't reject over status. Only if there is a real reason to do so."
"He's just grumpy 'coz he's tired," Rafael said, grinning at me. I couldn't help but smile back. "Knew it."
  "And he's jealous." I didn't deny it, couldn't deny it at this point. Rafael didn't look angry or upset, though. I had expected a different reaction than the one I had gotten. He was grinning, holding my arm tighter. "It's not like I'm going to do anything."
  "I know that."
  "It seems like you don't." I shrugged, moving to lay against the grass. I had wanted to run, but I couldn't now that the boy was there. It was ruining my mood even more. "So, smelly, I haven't seen you recently."
  "I've been with Kade and his family, and I'm not smelly now!" he laughed, grabbing my hand. He liked to touch. A lot. I liked to know that he felt comfortable enough around me.
  "You're always smelly to me. You never shower."
  "I do too! Cold showers are nasty and the kids needed the warm ones more than me." he sounded to me like he was getting more and more distressed. I could hear his heartbeat pick up, and it wasn't in a pleasant way. I didn't like that and sat back up. "I shower."
  "I know that." I whispered, scratching my stomach. It was bad for me, but I still did it anyway. It offered some form of relief, and I couldn't figure out why.
  "It's a joke, and you never used to get upset about me calling you smelly."
  "Because I did smell then, but I'm clean now."
  "Okay, okay. Have you had sex?" I pretended I didn't hear that, wondering what Rafael would say. Or do. He flushed, and I turned my head.
  "You can't just ask that!" he squeaked.
  "Ask what?" I teased, and he hid his face in my shoulder.
  "Have you had sex yet?" I laughed at Rafael's shyness about the question and shrugged.
  "No, haven't kissed either. Why'd you ask?" his brows raised as if he didn't believe my answer. It didn't shock me. "We've not long met, kissing and sex just isn't something that's there yet."
  "It just shocks me that what they say about Kings pack is actually true. Kinda thought people might be lying." I peak at Rafe's face, and he just whines and shoves his face further. I winced as I pulled him onto my lap, huffing when I heard my phone. How I never lost or broke it always shocked me. 'Old man' popped up on my screen.
  "Hey," I was met with frantic mumbles of the wrong Father, and had to try and figure out what he was saying to me. "Dad slow down and talk to me. We'll be right there."
  "It's your Dad," he tried again, and I nodded, doing my best to get to my feet. Rafael followed, saying something to his friend. "I don't know what happened, one second fine- next, so much blood. I don't know where he's gone and I don't know what to do."
  "Okay, okay. We'll be right there. Stay on the phone and we'll be there. Are you home?" I heard something, but I couldn't make it out. "Dad, are you home?"
  "Klaus!" there was a scream, and I shifted into my wolf form, starting to run as fast as I could go.

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