33 | Time Carries On | November 3-4, 1918

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So ... I'm not entirely sure how this chapter is going to go??

We'll just have to find out together.

Enjoy! :)


Jack walks all night. He only stops occasionally. But for the most part, he just keeps going.

Where exactly he's going, he doesn't know. He just knows that he'll get there soon.

At this point, not much matters.

All his friends, scattered across Europe. He has no way to get to them, to contact them.

So he must find the next best thing.

Surely if Race could make it to Italy by walking, Jack can walk out of Germany too, right?

Only one way to find out.


For the past couple weeks, David has been back in England. True, some pilots have had a few solo missions now and then, but for now, they are greatly unneeded in the battle on the Western Front, much to David's relief. As well as to David's guilt. He has a gut feeling that at least some of them are out there right now, fighting for their lives. Fighting for their lives, while he's sitting here talking to Sardinia, drinking tea. 

Before coming to England, David didn't have a taste for tea. Now, spending time to drink tea just helps in the attempt to keep him sane.

He can't wait for something important to happen. Anything. Whether they're called back out to the Western Front, or that the war has ended and/or they can all go home, a major victory has happened, something.

He's getting restless without action.

Now, he has a different gut feeling. A feeling that something is going to happen soon.


The only sustenance Jack has had in the past ... however long it's been, has been a few berries, and considering he's not dead, he thinks it's safe to assume that they weren't poisonous. There's a river, so he was able to drink water. He's still just so, so famished, parched, and tired.

He doesn't know how much longer he can carry on.

But he must.


There's tension and anticipation in the air. Mush and Spot and the others can feel it. 

They can't exactly put their finger on it. No one can; but they have all come to the same conclusion: this war is going to end soon.

True, that is probably more fantasy than fact. But at this point, they don't care. As long as they can think of something to make them just a little bit happier, that's all they need. As long as they can see a light at the end of the tunnel.

The third phase is going to end soon, Mush and Spot just know it.

And then maybe, just maybe, the fighting will end.

They can't wait.


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