14 | Finally, Finally | July 20, 1914

38 2 14



Enjoy! :)


Kid Griffo eyes them all wearily. They understand: if they were in the same situation, they probably would be too.

He's average height with brown hair and light brown eyes, and in those eyes is the look of a trapped animal.

None of them want to appear that threatening.

With a soft smile, Jack takes one step forward, slowly stretching out his hand for a handshake. "I'm Jack Kelly."

Wearily, without saying anything, Kid Griffo takes Jack's hand.

"We've heard a lot about you," Jack tells him.

"And yet I know nothing of you," Kid Griffo murmurs.

"Well, we have an unfair advantage," Race pipes up. "Loverboy over here was telling us your whole love story."

Kid Griffo tries to glare reproachfully at Chick Tucker, but he's just smiling. "My love, really?"

Chick Tucker smiles sheepishly. "I couldn't help it. It's my favorite love story in the world."

They grin at each other, no more words left to say, but their eyes full of so much love.

And the group of five just watches them, smiling too.

I want something like that.

The one who thought that wasn't alone. They all share that wishful thinking. They just don't know it.

"So you all knew Kid Blink?" Kid Griffo asks curiously.

They nod.

"We were newsies together," David explains.

Kid Griffo nods thoughtfully. "I think I remember Kid Blink talking about being a newsie. He especially mentioned a certain one named Mush a lot."

Mush blushes.

Kid Griffo smiles at him. "Nice to finally meet you."


"So what brings you here now?" Kid Griffo asks them curiously.

Jack hands him the letter. "I think you might want to read this for yourself."

"What's this?" Kid Griffo asks as he takes it.

"The last written words of Kid Blink."

Kid Griffo nods solemnly, understanding the heaviness of the situation. His eyebrows raise when he finds his name on the paper. Then he goes back and looks at the date. His eyes widen. "You've been looking for me for a whole year?"

"Not a whole year," David puts in quickly.

"I just got this letter on the 18th," Jack explains.

"So you've been looking for me for three days and you found me," Kid Griffo says flatly. He hands the letter back without reading it all the way; he's read what he's needed to read.

"I ... yes."

"So I guess you want me to tell you the story of ... what happened that night?"

"That would be helpful."

"Chick Tucker already told us his side of the story," Spot tells Kid Griffo.

"And all we want to know is your side of the story," Race finishes.

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