13 | So Close | July 20, 1914

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Oh my gosh the moment they've been waiting for is coming up.

It's funny because a while back in this story I was like "huh this might actually all be from Jack's perspective" but I am SO much better at being an omniscient narrator (it's very much my style of writing) and the 'fixed perspective' idea kind of faded away haha.

How will the execution of this chapter go? That's something I wish to know haha.

Enjoy! :)


Race buys more bread on their way out. If they weren't supporting Chick Tucker's business, and if they weren't so happy with the bread, Race would have had to defend himself indignantly for getting more bread. Instead, they're all happily eating away as they walk out of the bakery.

"So," Race says casually, walking alongside Chick Tucker. "You and Kid Griffo, huh?" He doesn't say it in a mean, teasing way. More like someone asking about a friend's crush in a mischievous way while trying to seem totally nonchalant.

"Not so loud!" Chick Tucker shushes him, eyes darting around wildly. "There are small-minded people everywhere!"

"Don't you mean close-minded?"

Chick Tucker shushes him again. "Close-minded, small-minded. Small-minded people are usually worse. And close-minded small-minded people are the worst you can encounter. Especially when they gather in bunches. Then they become dangerous."

"Okay, you have a point," Race gives in, adopting Chick Tucker's hushed tone. "Still. I wanna know. How'd you two meet?"

Chick Tucker drops his guard for a moment and smiles fondly. "It was a huge mix up, really. You see, I knew Big Jack O'Brien first. Out of him, me, Kid Griffo, Kid Blink, Big Jack O'Brien was the one I knew first. Then came Kid Griffo, then Kid Blink. Anyway, we were younger and more reckless, and Big Jack O'Brien and I were involved in smuggling."





"And you're telling me this in broad daylight when just two minutes ago you panicked at the mere mention of you and a guy-"

Chick Tucker shushes him again frantically, then seeing Race's point, glares at him reproachfully. "I don't have to go on."

"Oh no. No more interruptions. I promise."

Mush walks beside them. "Sorry for eavesdropping. I just couldn't help it. I wanna hear the whole story too."

"Alright, so we have this one day where Big Jack O'Brien I were running late when we had to meet up with some very important people in the smuggling world..."

As Chick Tucker explains in great detail to Race and Mush how smuggling works and just how infamous these people were, with Spot walking a little behind them, smiling behind them amused, Jack and David walk side by side.

"I doubt this was how you were planning on spending the week," Jack comments.

"No, definitely not."

"Sorry about that."

"Honestly, I like it."

Jack looks at him, surprised. "You do?"

"Yeah," David answers truthfully. "I didn't exactly have this in mind when I wanted something new and exciting, but I like it. I like the feeling of wondering what's going to happen next, and I like spending time with all of you."

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