30 | Vittorio, Confidence, Loss | October 30, 1918

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Well, so things are going to happen.

This ended up much sadder than I intended it to be.

Well then.

At least it doesn't start out sad.

Enjoy! :)


When Race found his brother around two weeks ago, he had no idea that he would be agreeing to fight in another battle of that war. Well, now they're here.

True, Race is still in a war, and the situation is dire. But now that he has his brother, he feels better than before.

This is nothing like France.

Yes, he feels guilty about abandoning Chick Tucker.

Hopefully he'll see him again.

In these past couple of weeks, Race has been pretty well accepted into the regiment. True, the circumstances in which he joined were a little unconventional, but now it's like he's been here the whole time. Since this regiment is made up of people younger than him, they call him old man or old timer, which he takes as signs of affection. His brother claims that Race looks younger, though. Claims that he can pass for sixteen. While Race knows that isn't true, he enjoys hearing the mischief in his brother's voice, and can't help but feel so, so grateful that they found each other.

Of course, joining the regiment meant that he would also be joining them in any fights.

Including this one, in Vittorio, which started 6 days ago; it was only today when they were needed.

All armies are advancing, getting closer and closer to Vittorio Veneto. 

The 332nd Infantry Regiment is following the Italian Tenth Army along the Piave. Supposedly, this is where the Austrians have been withdrawing along the Lower Piave. All the armies here are going to change that.

Today is the day it's going to happen. Today, the 332nd Infantry Regiment is going to pour over the Piave, behind the Italian Tenth Army. They'll stop the Austrians. There will be a fight, and it's not going to end well for one side, but they have to pull through.

They heard that the Italian 8th Army is close to successfully seizes Vittorio Veneto. That alone gives them the motivation to carry on.

Race looks at his brother. Oh, how much Antonio has grown. Here they are, fighting in a war together, halfway around the world, in the land where half their ancestors come from. If someone would have predicted this five years ago, both would have turned it down, saying that that most certainly wasn't true.

Well, here they are.

Here's for Italy. 

Here's for America.

Here's for the Allies.

Here's for hoping that this truly will be the war that will end all wars.


The third phase has finally began.

Mush and Spot and the rest are still marching, clearing the Argonne Forest. The French are ahead of them, almost reaching the River Aisne.

Once they clear the forest, the armies will reorganize.

It's funny, because in all this marching, Mush doesn't feel like he's in danger as much as he probably should. He's gaining more confidence. Nothing that will become arrogant; just confidence that he will make it out of here alive.

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