Chapter 12 Finale: Sneaking out? Bad idea.

Start from the beginning

For some reason you could sense a very familiar scent nearby that didn't belong to Frisk... Did that belong to Sans!? What's he doing here!? You followed his scent and it led you to a bush... Why in the world is he hiding in a bush? "You do know I can see you hiding?" The bush started to rustle as Sans stumbled out, his lazy smile plastered onto his skull like usual. "Heya sweetheart, what a coincidence" You rolled your eyes, it was certainly not just a coincidence. "Mhm sure is, why are you hiding in a bush?" Your gaze never left his but he didn't crack under your pressure, not that you expected him to, he was the Mafia Don for a reason. "Was lookin' for ya but bumped into lil' pup instead, asked me tha' distract ya" Ah... that little rascal sure did have their mother's scheming down to a T.

Sans suddenly got closer to you as his smile turned mischievous and intertwined your hands with his but not before he had turned your device on, your expression clearly showed confusion. "What are you doing?" You asked rather bewildered but he kept grinning. "Distractin' ya, is it workin'?" Ugh of course, why did Frisk have to get Sans evolved. "Very now would you let go of my hands, starshine?" You did find it amusing that Sans went along with Frisk's diabolical scheme but not surprising when it involved you in it. Sans's eyelights moved like he was thinking about it but you knew what the answer would be. "Hmmmm... No" Great, you had been right, a sudden idea came to your mind. "Is that so? How about a kiss then?" Now you had piqued all of Sans's attention, even though you gave him kisses everyday he still reacted in such a cute way.

"Such a tempting offer... Hmmm... I guess I can let you off the hook yet again" You chuckled and slightly arched down to kiss his skull's teeth and as promised he let go of your hands.

"I'd offer more than a kiss but you have distracted me long enough" You teased Sans and scurried off with a smile. Sans watched you vanish into the greenery of the garden, you probably already knew where Lil' pup was hiding so this game would be over real soon. He sighed in relief, happy that his soul didn't betray him, he had listened in on your conversation with the former queen and he did not like what he just heard. You sneaking out? Absolutely not, not if he can prevent that. Not for a single second. He just had to be quick enough.

He didn't lie when he had told you he had stumbled upon Lil' pup while looking for you, it helped him stave off the suspicion of why he was there and hiding nearby. He just left out the part where he eavesdropped on your conversation and was planning to use your device on your wrist to his advantage. He'll make sure to make an appointment with Alphys for himself and discuss this matter when you're not there to disagree because you sure would but this was for your safety since you're so reckless no matter what. Sans was elated that when he turned on your device, you weren't scared and you didn't try to teleport out of his grasp, you could have tried but you didn't... That just means you trust him without a doubt.

That would be good when he needed your device so Alphys could tinker with it more but that means you would also be able to use magic with no restraint... he'll be sure to inform his brother to keep an extra eye on you during that time and not take his sights off of you for a single second.


Sans had asked you to give him your device and he explained that he needed it because Alphys needed it for maintenance, which then you of course gave it with no hesitation. Not like you would miss that thing too much, it had become a slight hassle lately even though it did protect your soul from getting cracks, you wondered what Alphys would do with it.

When Sans had left for whatever other business he had with Alphys, Papyrus got the duty of watching over you and for some reason he watched you like a hawk... more than usual. You had planned to slink away silently like Toriel suggested but with Papyrus always looming either behind you or next to you that wasn't really an option. You sighed in defeat, Papyrus of course heard that and decided that you needed a hug. It was nice but oh so constricting and he didn't let go of you, should have expected that.

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