Chapter 7: Yet another impromptu Doctor's visit.

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You had of course spent the night with Papyrus yet again, seeing as he had practically been waiting outside your door for you, wanting you to let him in. Though this time nothing too exciting happened since you quite liked to be able to walk most days, yesterday had been manageable but with another day of passion? Yeah you could have said goodbye to your ability to walk for sure this time. So you and Papyrus just ended up cuddling... all night... with the occasional playful bite from Papyrus. You would never get rid of those bite marks would you!?

This time Papyrus was up and about early in the morning since you hadn't kept him up late at night, however you were not a morning person so you stayed behind in the bed, snoring away. Before Papyrus left, he gave you a sneaky kiss on your cheek and your soul responded to it while you were sleeping, how adorable. Papyrus loved seeing his imprint on your soul, he himself had gotten yours so now his 'tiny' white soul had a black upright heart marked in the middle of his upsidedown one. Usually a mark would be the color of the user's magic but since your magic was already white... it had inverted into black, not that Papyrus minded that much since it was then easier to see your beautiful mark on his soul. Papyrus had given you more bite marks on your body, some more visible to paint a clear message to other monsters and humans, you were his. The only other monster he'll let you make another soul bond with was his older brother, if his brother would confess to you already!

Papyrus couldn't blame his older brother for taking his time with you, he probably wanted to make sure you actually like him, which Papyrus knew you did, you just needed a small push towards his brother and then surely you would want to stay in the mansion with them, right!? No need to go home since technically you already were! The thought of you leaving again made Papyrus antsy, several times he had some dark thoughts about just locking you inside the mansion but you loved him and soon his older brother so he didn't need to resort to that!

Did he?

You woke up to an empty bed, Papyrus had left to do his usual duties, you kind of missed the clingy Papyrus... be careful of what you wish for or so they say. Tomorrow is Frisk's celebration and your time to finally go home! Which meant you wouldn't be spending as much time with Papyrus but you were definitely gonna invite him to your apartment a lot whenever he had time of course, since he was the greatest Mafia guard after all.

Abruptly you heard a knock at the bedroom door, who could that be? You told them to give you a minute as you quickly put on something decent. You swiftly opened up the door and there she stood, her majesty herself. "Heeey Tori, good morning! Anything I can help you with?" You had a hunch of what she wanted. "Doesn't tea sound good right about now, right Y/N?" She devilishly smiled at you, as you thought she wanted you to spill the beans on your relationship status. If Clara and Tori met it would spell doom for you, wishing that they never met as you nodded at Toriel. "Sure does Tori... though I would prefer some gentle tea" That was your way of asking her to take it easy on you and she giggled while gently taking your hands into her soft paws. Yeah she would definitely NOT be taking it easy on you.

"So Y/N.... Tell me a little about that cute little imprint on your soul..." Imprint? She meant that orange heart in your soul right? Ugh you knew nothing about monster ideology! Especially when it comes to intimate relationships... "It's uh... Papyrus's..." You hid your red face with the tea cup as Toriel snickered "Don't be so shy! I still remember my first time with my hubby!" Oh my golly, are we having this conversation right now!? "That's uh great Tori... but uh let's change topics" You drank some of the golden flower tea that Toriel had brewed. Before Toriel could reply to you, a knock came from the tea-room doors and Toriel gave them permission to enter. Sans walked in tipping his fedora to greet the both of you. "Hope I ain't disturbin' yer majesty but I was hopin' tha' take Y/N here to Alphys's lab" Well that was surprising! You don't remember asking him to take you there... "You are? Oooh yes you are!" You quickly took the opportunity to get away from Toriel's gluttonous thirst for knowledge about your relationships. "Oh of course, off you go Y/N'' Toriel let you off the hook... for now and nudged you towards Sans.

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