Chapter 8: Confession under the night sky.

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You woke up in what you assumed to be in a bed while Papyrus was hugging you close to himself. You could tell this wasn't your bed since the comforter's sheets were orange in colour... wait a minute... Did you get into bed dressed in only a shirt and underwear? You can't remember climbing into any beds at all. The last thing you remember was sitting with Toriel and then... then... You couldn't remember, had you fallen asleep!? "Buttercup it's still too early, go back to sleep" Papyrus mumbled out sleepily as he smushed you into his chest as he kept one arm around your waist to keep you in place. Seems like you moved around too much and woke up Papyrus, usually he was the one to wake you up.

You still felt somewhat sleepy, using up all of your magic did take a toll out of you huh? You let Papyrus have his way this time, usually you would struggle out of his grip to get up but right now you were just too lazy to even attempt to get out of his hold. You stopped moving around and just let yourself enter back into dreamland, Papyrus sensed you did what he had told you to do, his soul pulsating in delight and your soul answered him by doing the same, albeit a bit weaker than usual but nothing alarming since your soul looked healthy. Sans did tell him that you went to a very unpleasant appointment with Alphys to check your soul, did she do something to you? If she did... well he'll ask you about it when you and him woke up again.

"Pumpkin, wake up... the sun is out already" Papyrus could hear your voice speak to him, he looked down at you and you were still right up against his chest, his arm still around you. "Up early today are you not?" Papyrus teased and you tried to push yourself away from him but his hold on your waist kept you close. "No need for that... I will let you go... for a kiss" Papyrus smirked at you, that devilishly handsome skeleton! Two could play that game, you got on top of Papyrus's stomach, straddling him with your legs. "Are you sure that's all you want pumpkin?" You teased back and it was super effective, his cheekbones glowed an intense orange in the slight dim room. You could feel you were treading on dangerous territory if you continued, it was tempting but before you could decide if you wanted to continue or not Papyrus suddenly sat up making you slide into his lap instead as his upper body loomed above you as your hands were resting on his chest. Maybe you had already crossed that line. Thank goodness he did wear some clothes to bed.

"Careful there buttercup, we have somewhere to be later today..." You giggled, it was obvious he was restraining himself. "Now where's my ki-" You interrupted him before he could even finish his sentence by pulling his skull closer to your face and you kissed his glowing cheek. You gave him a shit eating grin since you knew what he wanted was a kiss on his 'lips'... You were still quite fascinated how magic worked in that regard... but you weren't complaining. Papyrus looked befuddled at you, taking his stunned self as an opportunity to finally slink away, you booped his nonexistent nose and quickly got out of reach from his grasp. Papyrus got out of his stupor "Buttercup, that was not very fair of you..." he sulked cutely, ugh! He found your weak point! You crawled back on the bed to his side "You're lucky that you're cute" Before Papyrus could say anything you pushed him down, his skull hitting the soft pillow of the bed and your lips made contact with his, after that Papyrus was very much satisfied.

"Welp I'm gonna go take a shower in my room" You told Papyrus, as you were about to turn off the device Papyrus suddenly spoke "Can you come back when you are finished? I have something to show you..." You simply nodded and smiled at him, turning the device's button all the way to turn it off, you suddenly felt an intense surge in your soul that made you slightly stagger. Papyrus quickly got to your aid and supported your body from behind, his hand holding onto your sides in case you were about to stumble and fall. "Are you okay buttercup!?" Papyrus asked, he had seen your soul suddenly light up in your chest for no reason, were you okay!? Did you need a doctor? Terrible scenarios crossed his mind as he held you close.

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