Chapter 6: Spicy pumpkin spice.

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---------- Warning: Contains lime -----------

You did end up staying 1 more day... and then Sans asked you to stay til Frisk's welcome back celebration which now was in 3 days time. They did plan to hold it before you woke up but Frisk refused to even participate if you weren't there so you couldn't really say no to that. Since you had gained the ability to literally teleport wherever you wanted, taking a quick trip home to meet Bunar and Bunella was a quench and nobody was none the wiser. Bunar had made your home into theirs which you didn't mind, they were literally keeping this place going when you had been away for far too long. Bunar had told you they had been looking for places to stay permanently and that you didn't need to worry about them taking up residence in your home for too long. Your nosy neighbour Clara had asked what was going on and you just told her that you were helping some friends get their own place but until then, they were staying in your home. Clara then proceeded to ask about that handsome fella you last came home with aka Sans and you just held in a groan, telling her that he's fine etcetera, which made her curious side calm down.

Now you were bothering Sans in his office to get away from a very clingy skeleton. Papyrus had been invading your space a lot lately, didn't he have other things to do than to observe your every move? He had also gotten very touchy and more flirtatious with you which made you way too flustered so you needed a break. Sans got very surprised when you suddenly appeared in his office without warning, usually you would knock but he couldn't blame you, teleporting everywhere had been fun to him too when he mastered it though it took him a month or more to get it right and it took a lot out of him so seeing you just... getting it without difficulty while not getting as exhausted as he did made him a bit envious.

"So... how ya findin' the shortcuts to be?" Sans asked you as you chilled on the sofa, relieved you could finally be out of Papyrus's prying eyes. "You call them shortcuts? That's.... Pretty accurate, it's handy" You simply said as you relaxed into the sofa, it was way too comfortable to be an office sofa. "How didya even learn it? You practically stole my favourite party trick" Sans was curious as to how you just... copied it without any instructions. "Eh I don't know? It just happened, got anymore tricks I can steal though?" You joked as Sans's main focus was on the paperwork. You mostly see him in his office doing work, you're surprised you haven't caught him napping yet. "If I did, I wouldn't want tha' show you in case you stole that one too" Sans laughed, he wouldn't mind showing you but he didn't have any other 'cool' tricks up his sleeve... not any tricks that aren't harmful that is. Teaching you how to use the Gaster blaster? Now that could be devastating. Chara would have been shaking in their boots if it was you who had been in the judgement hall instead of him. "Why are ya botherin' me anyway, dontcha want to bother my brother instead?" It surprised Sans a lot that Papyrus had been able to form a soul bond with you since you're human... well a human mage? There were a lot of surprises to be had when it came to you.

"But your brother wants to be bothered, that's no fun" You teased but what you said was the truth, Papyrus certainly wanted to be bothered by you and with his clinginess it would suffocate you to do so, you really liked Papyrus but you needed some space. "And you think I want to?" Sans rose a brow at you as you chuckled at him. "No but that's exactly why I am here!" Sans groaned, you were such a distraction to his very important work just sitting there... looking so relaxed in his presence. "Oh by the way, quick question, do you let your maids go behind your desk?" Sans looked up from the work he was doing up to you, he quirked a brow at you, why would you ask that?

"No I don't? Why are ya askin'?" You could see the confusion on his face which was warranted, you had asked an odd question after all. "It seems like somebody has been snooping around there" You could see an unfamiliar soul scent behind Sans's desk, so if he only let himself behind the desk then there's somebody who's a little bit too curious in Sans's work. Sans believed your words instantly and quickly started to look over things, he couldn't find anything too suspicious but just to be sure, he called you over to see if you could see which things have been messed with. He didn't really mind letting you see his paperwork, you had always been loyal to them. "It seems like they really liked this one" You picked out the hiring scheme for Frisk's upcoming celebration, that's weird why are they interested in that?

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