Chapter 11: The turnables have tabled yet again.

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A few months had passed, Papyrus and Sans had gotten more insistent on you moving in but you weren't quite ready to do so... or were you just too lazy to initiate the moving process? Nah... ok maybe so but moving took a lot out of you.

You were doing chores around your apartment, something you wouldn't need to do if you moved back into the mansion... that sounded very tempting. Suddenly a harsh knock came to your door, could that be one of the skeletons? Probably not, Sans would casually blip inside unless he wanted an encounter with Clara... which he did sometimes just to tease you, luckily you had told Clara the kids were being little white liars. It couldn't be Papyrus either since his knocks weren't as harsh as this person, his knocks were loud but never harsh. It couldn't be Clara, she didn't have enough strength for such a knock but who are you say old ladies can't have a death punch hiding in their sleeves when they need it. Bunar? No his knocks were soft you sometimes miss them... you should really get a doorbell.

Just in case you turned off the device on your wrist and opened the door to see a human? They had brown locks and innocent blue eyes but looks can be deceiving. You haven't seen them anywhere before. Though you could tell this human wasn't particularly nice since their soul were a darker mustard colour than usual, it looked like something you've seen before but you couldn't pinpoint it, a lot of humans probably had this shade of soul. "Ah hello! You must be Y/N?" This person asked, you got a bad feeling about this, had you heard their voice before? "Who's asking? They're not home" You decided to keep it safe and tell a white lie. You could see them squinting at you, not believing your words one bit, does that mean they know for sure you are who you are?

"Hmm... there's no chance of you letting me in willingly then?" That was all you needed to start slamming the door shut but before you could the stranger had caught your wrist and dragged you halfway out. They suddenly turned the volume button on your device to turn it on and quickly cuffed your hands together and pushed you inside your apartment with them. "What the fuck you doing!?" This human was bad news! You swiftly shuffled away to gain some distance from that bastard, your hands were cuffed tightly so you couldn't turn off the device that was preventing you from using magic to teleport away to safety.

"There's no need to... shout sugarplum..." Sugarplum!? That sounded eerily familiar... "I see you don't remember me Cebba... can't blame you, I did change my appearance just for you" They... No... He laughed maniacally. That was Aiden! How the fuck is he here!? You would assume Sans put this fucker out of his miserly but it seems he somehow escaped. He stepped closer to you, making you backstep further into your apartment with a glare. "Oh come on Sugarplum, I'm sorry for last time... didn't know how valuable you truly were" What nonsense was this twat spitting out? Then it hit you, he knew about your device... which means he knew you could use magic. Drat! You should have hidden that! Multiple monsters had seen you use magic around the mansion so it must have gotten leaked out somewhere. It was just too fun to not use and now it was coming back to bite you in the ass.

"How the fuck are you still alive!?" He looked quite healthy for someone who should be locked up in the mansion's basement or dead. "Well... ya see.. Your boyfriends decided that torture was better than killing me off..." He laughed loudly, so loud that your ears hurt. They must have knocked out a few screws loose from him. You took the opportunity to run to the kitchen to grab a knife, you could still hold a knife with your hands cuffed in front of you. "They took one of my eyes! So... An eye for an eye... since you're the apple of their eyes? Sockets? Whatever you know where I'm going with it" Aiden stopped laughing and sauntered towards you with a wild look, they took his eye!? But he looks perfectly fine! His soul had no scars! Like it was completely new... like...when Papyrus healed your soul... Fuck. How was that even possible!? "You working with that human hating group of monsters aren't you!? They'll backstab you!" Aiden got closer and closer, his new blue eyes almost glowing looking at you like a prey. The human hating group had free'd Aiden from the basement during the celebration for Frisk and now they were working together!

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